Installation Steps
- Install AD LDS in both nodes
- Install and configure all the Ubisecure SSO on the first node as instructed in the single node installation instructions, but do not run the last step (do not start SSO/tomcat)
- Copy the Ubisecure SSO configurations from the first node to the other node.
- In practice, this means that the SSO installation folder is copied as such
- Directory Check the win32.config file's parameter ldap.url to see if the LDAP has been installed in the localhost. If the directory (LDAP) connection should be to localhost - then this works without changesis something else than "localhost" (LDAPs are installed on their own separate nodes) then modify the C:\Program Files\ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin\config\settings.cmd file's LDAP URL parameters on the SSO node 2.
- set LDAP_URL=ldap://<IP address of the LDAP server 2>:389
- set LDAP_URL_HOSTNAME=<IP address of the LDAP server 2>
- set LDAP_URL_PORT=389
- Install and configure the windows reverse proxy
- Start SSO in both nodes
- Start reverse proxy