- In Ubisecure SSO Management, configure a new method of the type Unregistered SMS. In these screenshots, the name of the method is ubikey.sms.5
Add the URL of the SMS service to the configuration string. A GET request will be made to this address. If HTTP Response 200 is received, the message is deemed to have been sent successfully. {mobile} will be replaced with the phone number and {challenge} with the text to be shown in the message, including instructions and code.
Code Block theme RDark title Configuration String setting for SMS service smsUrl=http\://sms-sending-service.example.com/sendsms.asp?to\={mobile}&message\={challenge}
- Enable the method ubikey.sms.X on a site
- Create a group called Unregistered SMS Users, assign membership based on the ubikey.sms.5 method just created.
- Create an agent of application of type OAuth 2.0 in that site
Activate the agent using application using the following metadata. sms-mt-otp is disabled by default and can be used only if specified in the metadata. Because this flow is direct from the application to the server, without a user agent (browser), no return_uri is required
Code Block theme RDark title Metadata for phone number verification by SMS {"grant_types":["http://globalsign.com/iam/sso/oauth2/grant-type/sms-mt-otp"]}
- Press Activate to generate a client_id and secret required to make and verify requests. Save the client_id and secret safely in the calling application. An activated agent will application will look like this:
- Select the Allowed To tab and Add the group Unregistered SMS Users.
- An authorization policy is not required. If used, attributes sent in the Authorization policy will appear in the id_token received in the verification response.
Create a POST request containing the x_globalsign_iam_reference_id together with the code collected from the user.
Code Block theme RDark title POST body required for second token request grant_type=http://globalsign.com/iam/sso/oauth2/grant-type/sms-mt-otp&scope=openid&client_id=c495bb59-f0ae-430a-9830-ca8228aa58fe&client_secret=CVgXCVQaLeRcd0AQ604sUuAL0NCBDX77&x_globalsign_iam_reference_id=.eyJzdWIiOiIzNTg0MDQxMzQyNTIiLCJpYXQiOjE0OTk0MjY3NjY3MjUsImN0bXMiOjE0Njc0MjY1MTM3ODgyMDQsIm1hYyI6IkFaUzU2ckhPQjV6d2RfVWJWenhjOUgtX2VQejJiSFJNT0dXY0hTV1hWdzhFUTRST1locWdiQVNkZ3huSGVhLWk3QnhNZmc9PSJ9.S1f4VSae-QO0jfFcekPHUGTvqBgYc2yFsHbj3UVhFpk&x_globalsign_iam_otp_code=32768341
An example using the HttpRequester browser extension is shown here:
The response will contain an access_token and id_token
Code Block language js theme RDark title Response { "access_token": "eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJjNDk1YmI1OS1mMGFlLTQzMGEtOTgzMC1jYTgyMjhhYTU4ZmUiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzX3Rva2VuIiwic2Vzc2lvbl9pbmRleCI6Il9hY2I4NDBiNjg1M2ExZGJkYWE2OTgxYjE4MDhjNzAzOGE1Y2JmYmE2Iiwic2NvcGUiOlsib3BlbmlkIl0sImNsaWVudF9pZCI6ImM0OTViYjU5LWYwYWUtNDMwYS05ODMwLWNhODIyOGFhNThmZSIsImV4cCI6MTQ5OTQzMDk2NjgyNn0.YI0D28H_igk5uxUpc2mprtpHlEOMMiEbXyYvWIfuCUw", "scope": "openid", "id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIzNTg0MDQxMzQyNTIiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL21uby51YmlkZW1vLmNvbS91YXMiLCJhdWQiOlsiYzQ5NWJiNTktZjBhZS00MzBhLTk4MzAtY2E4MjI4YWE1OGZlIl0sImV4cCI6MTQ5OTQzMDk2NiwiaWF0IjoxNDk5NDI3MzY2LCJhdXRoX3RpbWUiOjE0OTk0MjczNjYsImFtciI6WyJodHRwczovL21uby51YmlkZW1vLmNvbS91YXMvc2FtbDIvbmFtZXMvYWMvdWJpa2V5LnNtcy41Il0sImF6cCI6ImM0OTViYjU5LWYwYWUtNDMwYS05ODMwLWNhODIyOGFhNThmZSIsInNlc3Npb25faW5kZXgiOiJfYWNiODQwYjY4NTNhMWRiZGFhNjk4MWIxODA4YzcwMzhhNWNiZmJhNiIsInViaWtleS5zbXMuNS5ncmFudF90eXBlIjpbImh0dHA6Ly9nbG9iYWxzaWduLmNvbS9pYW0vc3NvL29hdXRoMi9ncmFudC10eXBlL3Ntcy1tdC1vdHAiXX0.QaZ14BhrDsh1UYyHX-_ODjEYUaT2pn5h0r5EOWt22h5gezeObct7JpQ-jmiQv8jzNmITesDSXX0z6JGn7mtcP_nkzpi179DQkoMrRwEHRHLY9l5hs-qKYa0JEK_c5fqoavC-tKKNtKiNMbW3cFMp8CVhyIancp6fg_V5UfjFj17QW1uw4a9aBuHgXQ9X4dFT6Om6_GGDBglNWKu287TvdeSk8KiK0rJAoJrQEgxKjQ3ad9Kh10sbofgcBa6-BXnkPe0me0FXnVW6NoHtTCIey2sHqTCLLYB3OdG3kjpqvxPSDinL-7PbHtHoORc0A3lVP9hDUajf_8zdDfRHxxBIlQ", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 3600 }
The id_token signature should be verified and elements compared closely to the request to ensure that this is the response to the request. The id_token shown above contains more information:
sub - subject - MISISDN phone number that the code was sent to)
iss - issuer - The IDP that issued this token
aud - audience - who this id_token is intended for (the client_id of the agentapplication)
exp - expiry time - when this token expires
iat - issued at - when it was issued
auth_time - authentication time - when the user was authenticated
amr - the authentication method used - Authentication Context Declaration Reference value from the methods settings screen (SAML equivalent of AuthnContextDeclRef)
azp - Authorizing party - in this case the same as the recipient
- session_index - identifies the session on the IDP
ubikey.sms.5.grant_type - value returned from the authentication policy if no Authentication Policy is set.
Code Block language js theme RDark title id_token contents (excluding header and signature) { "sub": "358404134252", "iss": "https://mno.ubidemo.com/uas", "aud": [ "c495bb59-f0ae-430a-9830-ca8228aa58fe" ], "exp": 1499430966, "iat": 1499427366, "auth_time": 1499427366, "amr": [ "https://mno.ubidemo.com/uas/saml2/names/ac/ubikey.sms.5" ], "azp": "c495bb59-f0ae-430a-9830-ca8228aa58fe", "session_index": "_acb840b6853a1dbdaa6981b1808c7038a5cbfba6", "ubikey.sms.5.grant_type": [ "http://globalsign.com/iam/sso/oauth2/grant-type/sms-mt-otp" ] }