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This page specifies the steps for updating a clustered deployment of a Ubisecure SSO configuration where at least one of the SSO nodes is operational during the whole procedure. The scope of the document includes the update steps of the SSO nodes and the LDAPs. Update of the reverse proxy server is not included in this document.



NOTE: If the solution contains additional components UbiloginCertAP and/or UbiloginWSIDP it is recommended to stop these services prior stopping the Ubiloginserver service whenever stated in the step list. UbiloginCertAP and UbiloginWSIDP services can be started after starting the Ubiloginserver service.

SSO Cluster

The diagram below describes an SSO cluster configuration to be updated.

High availability is achieved by using two SSO instances so that there is one active SSO node, and another, passive, as high availability option if another SSO node is not available. A reverse proxy is used to switch the traffic in case of failures. In case of high-performance setup, the traffic load can be distributed between both SSO nodes by the reverse proxy.

Note that LDAP content is replicated between the SSO instances, but both SSO nodes use their own LDAP (LDAPs can be installed also on their own nodes).

A reverse proxy is configured to use primarily SSO 1 node, and SSO 2 node only when SSO 1 node is not available. During the update operation, the reverse proxy is used to switch traffic away from an SSO node that is being updated while the other SSO node is still operational.


Clustered SSO Update

Update Procedure Overview

An overview of updating an Ubisecure SSO cluster is described in the following steps:

  1. Find out which SSO node is the schema master
    1. Use the Active Directory Schema snap-in to connect an AD LDS instance
    2. Identify the schema master
  2. Configure the reverse proxy server to route the production traffic only to the SSO 2 node
    1. Setup both SSO nodes for the activity test
    2. Optional: Test through the reverse proxy server which SSO node is active
    3. Disable traffic from the reverse proxy server to the SSO 1 node
    4. Test through the reverse proxy server which SSO node is active
  3. Disable the replication
    1. Stop the Ubiloginserver process from the SSO 1 node
    2. Disable outbound and inbound replication from the SSO 2 node
    3. Disable outbound and inbound replication from the SSO 1 node
  4. Configure the metadata clean up for the retired AD LDS instances in the SSO 1 node
    1. Clean up the metadata from the SSO 1 node using the dsmgmt tool
    2. Remove the SSO 2 node server object from the SSO 1 node using the ADSI Edit tool 
  5. Update the SSO 1 node
    1. Use document: Upgrade on Windows - SSO
    2. Test the functionality of the updated SSO 1 node
  6. Configure Proxy to route production traffic only to SSO 1 Server
    1. Route the traffic towards the SSO 1 node
    2. Optional: Export session information from the SSO 2 node's directory and import to SSO 1 node's directory
    3. Setup SSO 1 node for the activity test
    4. Test through the reverse proxy server which SSO node is active
  7. Remove the AD LDS from the SSO 2 node
    1. Stop the Ubilogin services
    2. Remove the AD LDS from the SSO 2 node
  8. Enable the replication in the SSO 1 node
  9. Update the SSO 2 node
    1. Install Java to the SSO 2 node
    2. Execute the steps in the document  AD LDS Clustering Setup (Node 2)
    3. Install the new SSO version to the SSO 2 node
    4. Update Tomcat configuration by reinstalling it to the SSO 2 node
    5. Test the functionality of the updated SSO 2 node
  10. Enable traffic from the Reverse Proxy to route production traffic to SSO 2 node in addition to the SSO 1 node

Update Steps


IMPORTANT: When command line level commands are required run the command prompt window as an administrator.

Step 1. Find out which SSO node is the schema master

It is important to figure out which one of the SSO nodes is the schema master and execute all the steps accordingly. Schema master SSO node will be updated first and the second SSO node will be set up after that. It is enough to run the schema master check to one of the SSO nodes. In this document, the SSO 1 node is the actual schema master but the check is executed to the SSO 2 node.


File - Add/Remove Snap-in...

Available snap-ins Active Directory Schema Add - OK

Active Directory Schema - Change Active Directory Domain Controller (Do not mind the possible connection error).


      b.   Identify the schema master

Active Directory Schema Operations Master

Verify the schema master and click the close button.

Step 2. Configure the Reverse Proxy to route the production traffic only to the SSO2 node

      a.  Setup both SSO nodes for the activity test


Write the uas.url to the browser (found from the win32.config file).

Verify that the correct node responses.

Step 3. Disable the Replication

      a.  Stop the Ubiloginserver process from the SSO1 node.


Code Block
repadmin /options localhost:389 +DISABLE_OUTBOUND_REPL +DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL

Current DSA Options: (none)


Step 4. Configure the metadata cleanup for the retired AD LDS instances in the SSO 1 node

Before Active Directory Lightweight Directory Service (AD LDS) replica can be restored, the SSO2 node object that represents this replica has to be removed from SSO 1 node.


ADSI Edit - <SSO_2_node> - Delete

Click the Yes Button.

File - Exit

Step 5. Update the SSO1 node



The following is ONLY for the SSO1 Node


      b.  Test the functionality of the updated SSO 1 node. This might require separate reverse proxy server configuration. This should be planned considering the customer's application and network setup.

Step 6. Configure the reverse proxy to route production traffic only to SSO1 node

      a.  Using the reverse proxy server route the traffic towards the SSO 1 node and disable it to the SSO 2 node.


Write the uas.url to the browser (found from the win32.config file).

Check which node responses.

Step7. Remove the AD LDS from the SSO 2 node

      a.  Stop the Ubilogin services


Click the Skip button if you get this message (the replication is not on at this

point in the SSO 2 node).

Click the OK button.

Step 8. Enable replication in the SSO 1 node

Code Block
repadmin /options localhost:389 -DISABLE_OUTBOUND_REPL -DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL

New DSA Options: (none)

Step 9. Update the SSO 2 node

      a. Install Java to the SSO 2 node. You can skip this step if Java is already installed.



      c. Install the new SSO version to the SSO 2 node.

         Copy the Ubisecure SSO configurations from the SSO 1 node to the SSO 2 node.

    • In practice, this means that the SSO installation folder (C:\Program Files\ubisecure\ubilogin-sso) is copied as such
    • Check the win32.config file's parameter ldap.url to see if the LDAP has been installed in the localhost. If the directory (LDAP) connection is something else than "localhost" (LDAPs are installed on their own separate nodes) then modify the C:\Program Files\ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin\config\settings.cmd file's LDAP URL parameters on the SSO node 2
      1. set LDAP_URL=ldap://<IP address of the LDAP server 2>:389
      2. set LDAP_URL_HOSTNAME=<IP address of the LDAP server 2>
      3. set LDAP_URL_PORT=389

      d. Update Tomcat configuration by reinstalling it (DON’T RUN setup.cmd on SSO node 2):

Code Block
C:\cd /d "C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin"C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin>config\tomcat\remove.cmd
  The UbiloginServer service is not started.
  More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3521.

C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin>config\tomcat\install.cmd
Keystore already exist in c:\Program Files\Ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin\custom\tomcat\keystore.pfx
5 File(s) copied
776 File(s) copied
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig2 SUCCESS
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS
The UbiloginServer service is starting..
The UbiloginServer service was started successfully.

Ubilogin Server started at


      e.  Test the functionality of the updated SSO 2 node. This might require separate reverse proxy server configuration. This should be planned considering the customer's application and network setup.


Step 10. Enable traffic from the Reverse Proxy to route production traffic to SSO 2 node in addition to the SSO 1 node