After a user has logged in interactively, a downstream non-browser application can request the status of user session via a back channel request.

Ubisecure SSO includes the /uas/status endpoint for this purpose.

OAuth id_tokens contain the Ubisecure extension session_index which can be used to resolve current SSO session status for a given user session.

Step-by-step guide

  1. For the request, you need the EntityID of the SAML2 application or the client_id of the OAuth2 application.

  2. The id_token and userinfo response contains an OAuth2 extension called session_index. You must pass this session_index value to the non-interactive application and then call our /uas/status endpoint in the back channel using the sessionIndex and entityID parameters.
    The session_index value cannot be used to retrieve user information, only for finding out if there is a valid session or not.


    The response is by default in JSON format. Other formats are supported if sending the query parameter “type”

    “application/xml” or “application/json” for XML or JSON respectively.

  3. If there is a session, the request message looks like this:

    The response is in JSON format

      "valid": true,
      "issueInstant": 1499433097694,
      "refresh": false,
      "entityID": "c495bb59-f0ae-430a-9830-ca8228aa58fe",
      "sessionIndex": "_d6ee2628b0d493809650c06b2653083511d6e474",
      "sessionNotOnOrAfter": 1499436584471,
      "authnInstant": 1499432984462

  4. If you include the refresh parameter, the user session is extended:

    Notice how the sessionNotOnOrAfter value increases in the response

      "valid": true,
      "issueInstant": 1499433264743,
      "refresh": true,
      "entityID": "c495bb59-f0ae-430a-9830-ca8228aa58fe",
      "sessionIndex": "_d6ee2628b0d493809650c06b2653083511d6e474",
      "sessionNotOnOrAfter": 1499436864743,
      "authnInstant": 1499432984462

  5. If there is no session, the message looks like this:



Consider system performance when designing when and how often to make such requests to prevent unnecessary load.

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