Password Reset application internationalization - SSO

Password Reset application internationalization - SSO

The user interface and email internalization texts are defined in resources_xx.properties files, located in the ubilogin/custom/password-reset –folder (where xx represents a locale defined in the SSO UI template, e.g. ubilogin/custom/password-reset/resources_en.properties for English). The set of supported locales is defined in the SSO Server application UI template and the language selection links are generated using client-side JavaScript. If a resource_xx.properties file for some locale can't be found, or a specific key of a specific language is missing, then the Password Reset application will fall back to looking up the key in the resources.properties file, (i.e. without an ISO-639-1 language identifier in the filename.)

Note that the SMS and email messages sent by the Password Reset are localized in these resource properties by using parameters otp.sms-mt-otp.message.body for the SMS and otp.smtp-otp.message.title and otp.smtp-otp.message.body for the email. The respective parameters in SSO UI messages are not used with Password Reset application.


Below is the default message resources for English locale. Most up-to-date version of it can be found in ubilogin/custom_templates/password-reset/resources_en.properties, and can be copied as is under the ubilogin/custom/password-reset. Please note that if new message parameters are introduced in future versions, the ubilogin/custom_templates/password-reset/resources_xx.properties will get updated accordingly, but the corresponding files in ubilogin/custom/password-reset/ will need to be manually updated.

SSO 8.3.2

In SSO version 8.3.2 a new resource was added:

otp.smtp-otp.message.contenttype = text/plain

You may use also another value: text/html

# begin.jsp
begin.title = Reset password
begin.label.username = Username:
begin.label.mail = E-mail address:
begin.button.cancel = Cancel
begin.button.submit = Next
begin.introtitle = Welcome
begin.introtext = You can reset your password in this application 
begin.helptitle = Help
begin.helptext = Please enter username and e-mail address. You will receive a one-time code to either your email or mobile phone using which you will be allowed to change your password.
begin.optitle = Enter account details
begin.optext = Please enter your username and email address
begin.usernameplaceholder = 
begin.mailplaceholder = 

# otp.jsp
otp.label.otp = One time password:
otp.button.cancel = Cancel
otp.button.submit = Next

# otp.jsp / SMS verification
otp.sms-mt-otp.title = Reset password
otp.sms-mt-otp.sent = A one-time code was sent to your mobile number.
otp.sms-mt-otp.introtitle = Welcome
otp.sms-mt-otp.introtext = You can reset your password in this application.
otp.sms-mt-otp.helptitle = Help
otp.sms-mt-otp.helptext = Please enter the code sent to your mobile phone.
otp.sms-mt-otp.optitle = Mobile verification
otp.sms-mt-otp.optext = A verification code was sent to your mobile phone.

# SMS message 
otp.sms-mt-otp.message.body = The verification code for password reset: {0}

# SMS verification error messages
error.otp.sms-mt-otp.code.missing = Type the verification code you received by SMS
error.otp.sms-mt-otp.code.invalid = Invalid verification code
error.otp.sms-mt-otp.code.expired = The verification code has expired
error.otp.sms-mt-otp.account.locked = Invalid verification code has been given too many times. Try again after a while.
error.otp.sms-mt-otp.unknown = System error

# otp.jsp / Email verification
otp.smtp-otp.title = Reset password
otp.smtp-otp.sent = A one-time code was sent to your email address.
otp.smtp-otp.introtitle = Welcome
otp.smtp-otp.introtext = You can reset your password in this application.
otp.smtp-otp.helptitle = Help
otp.smtp-otp.helptext = Please enter the one time password sent to your email address.
otp.smtp-otp.optitle = Email verification
otp.smtp-otp.optext = A verification code was sent to your email.

# Email message
otp.smtp-otp.message.title = Password reset email verification 
otp.smtp-otp.message.body = The verification code for password reset: {0}

# Email verification error messages 
error.otp.smtp-otp.code.missing = Type the verification code you received by email
error.otp.smtp-otp.code.invalid = Invalid verification code
error.otp.smtp-otp.code.expired = The verification code has expired
error.otp.smtp-otp.account.locked = Invalid verification code has been given too many times. Try again after a while.
error.otp.smtp-otp.unknown = System error

# input-password.jsp
input-password.title = Reset password
input-password.label.username = Username:
input-password.label.newpassword = Enter new password:
input-password.label.newpasswordconfirm = Confirm new password:
input-password.button.cancel = Cancel
input-password.button.submit = Next
input-password.introtitle = Welcome
input-password.introtext = You can reset your password in this application
input-password.helptitle = Help
input-password.helptext = Specify new password and confirm it
input-password.optitle = Enter credentials
input-password.optext = 

# show-password.jsp
show-password.title = Password reset 
show-password.label.password = New password:
show-password.button.submit = Continue
show-password.introtitle = Welcome
show-password.introtext = You can reset your password in this application.
show-password.helptitle = Help
show-password.helptext = Password was reset. Copy the new password.
show-password.optitle = Your new password
show-password.optext = Your password was reset successfully.

# reset/completed.jsp
completed.title = Password reset 
completed.button.close = Continue
completed.introtitle = Welcome
completed.introtext = You can reset your password in this application
completed.helptitle = Help
completed.helptext = Password was reset.
completed.optitle = Password reset completed
completed.optext = Password was reset successfully.

# noreturn.jsp
noreturn.title = Password reset 
noreturn.introtitle = Action has been canceled.
noreturn.introtext = Password reset terminated, but couldn't continue to target application.
noreturn.helptitle = Help
noreturn.helptext = You can now close this window and browse again to target application.

# Error messages 
error.username.missing = Username is required
error.mail.missing = E-mail address is required
error.account.not-found = User not found
error.account.invalid = User was found but the account is invalid
error.mail.invalid = Invalid e-mail address
error.disabled = The password can not be reset at this time
error.expired = The password has already been changed or reset since this password token was issued 
error.failed = Password reset failed
error.method.not-set = System error. Password method is not set.
error.method.invalid = System error. Password method is invalid.
error.passwords.mismatch = Password did not match confirmed password
error.passwords.undefined = Password field is empty
error.new-password.denied = The new password does not confirm to password policy


Password Reset UI flow depends on how the password method is configured - i.e. if the method allows users to reset a password themselves or alternatively have the system generate a password instead.

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