Applications upgrade - SSO

If the applications under ubilogin-sso/ubilogin/webapps/ have been changed (or if a new one has been added), or if some settings have been changed, it is necessary to update Ubisecure SSO Tomcat and Accounting Service configurations. This is done using the update script that resides in ubilogin/config/tomcat/.

Typical situations when this needs to be performed:

  • changes to any properties files within the applications, such as
  • after / setup.cmd is run and new secrets have been generated
  • after Accounting Service configuration in customised application.yaml has changed
  • changes to the server.xml file, such as enabling an optional feature like otp-server or password reset tools

The / update.cmd will copy all the necessary files to their final place. The script restarts the running services, SSO and Accounting Service, so that the changes become in effect.

Importing secrets and Accounting Service settings is needed if the setup script has been executed.

Updating Tomcat and Accounting Service on Linux
cd /usr/local/ubisecure/ubilogin-sso/ubilogin 

Updating Tomcat and Accounting Service on Windows
cd /d "C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin" 

See also:

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