Clustered upgrade during a service break - SSO

Clustered upgrade during a service break - SSO

These are the upgrade instructions to the latest release: SSO 9.0. If you are upgrading to a SSO 8.x.x version, please check the upgrade instructions for that particular release.

In the SSO version 9.0 there are two major changes that need to be taken into account in the upgrade process:

  • Java 8 is replaced with Java 11
    • step 6 a. for the previous version (Java 8)
    • steps 6 c. and 6 j. for the new version (Java 11)
  • Services are managed with systemd and no more with init.d
    • step 2 for the previous version (init.d)
    • step 6 i. for the new version (systemd)


This page specifies the steps for updating a clustered deployment of Ubisecure SSO during a service break. If service breaks are not allowed or the system must all the time be operational for other reasons, please see instructions from Clustered upgrade on Windows - SSO.

Preliminary tasks

If you are using Windows operating system, find out which SSO node is the schema master (see step 1 from Clustered upgrade on Windows - SSO) and update Ubisecure SSO on the schema master node first. The schema master node is referred as SSO node 1 below.

Update procedure

  1. Start the service break e.g. by forwarding all traffic from the reverse proxy to a service break information page.
  2. On both SSO nodes, stop the Ubisecure SSO process and Accounting Service if it has been installed and is running, keep Ubisecure Directory running.

    net stop ubiloginserver
    net stop ubisecureaccounting

    Linux (version 8.x.x):

    /etc/init.d/ubilogin-server stop
    /etc/init.d/ubisecure-accounting stop
  3. On SSO node 1, update Ubisecure SSO according to update instructions in SSO Upgrade on Windows or SSO Upgrade On Linux.
  4. Linux: Optionally reconfigure LDAP failover on SSO node 1 as instructed here: Install SSO node 2
  5. Test all functionality including possible customizations by using the updated SSO node 1.
  6. On SSO node 2, update Ubisecure SSO according to the following steps. Note that possible directory schema changes are replicated from node 1 and therefore no actions are needed for Ubisecure Directory on node 2.
    1. For the version to be removed, make sure you still have Java 8 installed and JRE_HOME and JAVA_HOME set
    2. Remove the existing services (SSO and Accounting Service):

      cd /d "C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin"


      cd /usr/local/ubisecure/ubilogin-sso/ubilogin
    3. Remove Java 8 installation, install Java 11, and set JAVA_HOME according to Installation requirements - SSO
    4. Rename the ubilogin-sso directory to ubilogin-sso-old
    5. Copy the ubilogin-sso directory from node 1 to node 2
      1. If you want to preserve the logs of node 2 replace the log files with ubilogin-sso-old/ubilogin/logs and ubilogin-sso-old/accounting/logs with the files in the respective ubilogin-sso directories
    6. Windows: Fix local URL to refer to the node 2 host in C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin\accounting\config\application-install.properties

      ubisecure.ids.accounting.server.url = <scheme>\://<node2host>\:<accounting-port>
    7. Linux: Fix LDAP_LISTEN_URLS to refer to the node 2 host in /usr/local/ubisecure/ubilogin-sso/ubilogin/config/settings.sh as instructed here: Install SSO node 2 so that it matches with the version in ubilogin-sso-old:

      vi /usr/local/ubisecure/ubilogin-sso/ubilogin/config/settings.sh
    8. Tune the Accounting Service scheduled job settings in node 2, see Accounting Service additional configuration / Recommended changes
      Windows edit the file in this location:



      vi ubilogin-sso/ubilogin/custom/accounting/config/application.yaml
    9. Update SSO and Accounting Service configurations by reinstalling them - NOTE do not run setup script setup.cmd/setup.sh on SSO node 2 because it will override the secrets which need to match those on node 1


      cd /d "C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin"

      Linux, also start the services, about Accounting Service (ubisecure-accounting) start see also Linux single node installation:

      cd /usr/local/ubisecure/ubilogin-sso/ubilogin
      systemctl start ubisecure-accounting
      systemctl start ubilogin-server
    10. Check Single node installation finalization. For the new Java installation you need to import SSO certificate to Java trust store.

  7. On SSO node 1, stop Ubilogin SSO process and Accounting Service, see Starting and stopping the services.

  8. Test all functionality by using the updated SSO node 2.
  9. On SSO node 1, return to the normal operation by starting Ubilogin SSO process and Accounting Service.

  10. Reset the reverse proxy to the original configuration.

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