Login user interface customization index files - SSO

Index files

The main customization index file is config.index, which is by default located at the root of the Ubisecure SSO installation directory. This file contains the locations of other index files. These other index files are located in the custom directory under the root directory of the Ubisecure SSO installation.

The index files contain entries that point to other customization files. The value of each entry must be a relative file path pointing to the actual file. The pointed file must be located at the same directory as the index file or in a subdirectory directly under it. Absolute file paths are not supported.


The config.index file points to the locations of the template.index, resource.index, message.index, method.index and optionally also to the locations of external directory configuration files.

Listing 1. An example config.index file
# Ubisecure SSO Authentication Server Configuration Files
# config.index

# User Interface Templates
template.index = custom/template.index

# User Interface Resources
resource.index = custom/resource.index

# User Interface Messages
message.index = custom/message.index

# Authentication Method and Context Class Strength
authncontext.strength = methods/authncontext.strength

# External LDAP Connections
# directory.1 = custom/jndi1.properties


The resource.index file holds an index of images that are made available under the path resource at Ubisecure SSO Authentication Server's network path. Each entry is of type:

<network alias> = <relative path to the actual file>

The image file from <relative path to the actual file> is made available under the Ubisecure SSO Authentication Server's network path with the URL ending of "/resource/<network alias>".

For example, if Ubisecure SSO Authentication Server is installed using URL https://localhost:8443/uas/, adding an entry of "newlogo.jpg = images/mylogo.jpg" to resource.index would make the image mylogo.jpg from directory images available through the URL https://localhost:8443/uas/resource/newlogo.jpg.

Only files found from the same directory as this resource index file or its subdirectories can be used. This is to prevent configuration errors that could result in arbitrary files from the server being shared to the network.

Listing 2. An example resource.index file with one new image configured
# User Interface Resources
# custom/resource.index

example.png = resources/example.png


The template.index file holds an index of UI template files used for customizing the visual appearance of the login screens in Ubisecure SSO Server. The format of each entry is as follows:

<template name> = <relative path to the actual file>

The <template name> is the name used in Ubisecure SSO Management to set this specific template for a web agent. All of the directory paths in the index files and the templates are local. Only files in the same directory as the index file or its subdirectories can be accessed. By default template.index file is located in the custom directory under your

Ubisecure SSO installation directory.

Listing 3. An example template.index file
template1 = templates/template1.properties
template2 = templates/template2.properties


The message.index file holds an index of UI message files. All the texts shown to users during the login phase come from customizable message files. The message bundle files contain a list of message key and value pairs. Messages are divided into two groups; the error messages are in the errors-group and other normal UI and help messages are in the uas-group.

Ubisecure SSO comes preconfigured with default (English) texts for all supplied authentication methods. To override the default uas, or errors messages, add an entry named uas, or errors to message.index.

Listing 4. An example message.index file where default messages are overridden
uas = messages/uas.properties
errors = messages/errors.properties

Support for other languages can be added by adding entries names as uas_<language code> or errors_<language code>{_}. The language codes have to be lowercase two letter ISO-689 codes.

Listing 5. An example message.index file with support for the German language
uas_de = messages/uas_de.properties
errors_de = messages/errors_de.properties 

Template specific UI message files can be defined by adding entries names as <template_name>[_<language code>] or errors/<template_name>[_<language_code>]. The language codes have to be lowercase two letter ISO-689 codes.


The method.index file holds an index of authentication method libraries and it is not directly related to UI customization.

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