Create user workflow configuration - CustomerID

Create user workflow configuration - CustomerID


Administrators are able to create new users with create user functionality. This functionality is available in front page's or organization's Users tab in Administrator user interface. The steps are:

  1. Set User's Attributes
  2. Select User's Organization (optional)
  3. Select User's Roles (optional)
  4. Select Authentication methods (optional)
  5. Summary

Create user wizard uses the same configurations as in registrations. It is possible to create new registration workflow configurations for different kinds of create user workflows (create new workflow configurations, using the same configurations that are used in self-registrations may cause issues). The workflows that are used in create user functionality are configured with key:


createuser.workflows = createuser, createuser2

  • The selections are available in dropdown selection in this order next to the Create user button. If only one workflow is defined the selection box is not visible.

Example Configuration

registration.3 = createuser

  • Add name of the workflow. Language specific workflow name should also be added to admin.approval.workflow.createuser message key. These keys should be added to messages_xx.properties files.

registration.3.enabled = false

  • This workflow is not used in user's self-registration

registration.3.email.confirmation = false

  • With value false email address is not confirmed. Email address confirmation functionality is not compatible with create user workflow.

registration.3.approval = true

  • Set true if the workflow should be approved by other administrator(s).

registration.3.approval.organization =

  • The organization for the approval, ex. Projects/Admins. If empty, user's organization is used.

registration.3.methods = [ { "name" : "password.2", "mandatory" : "true", "visible" : "false", "default" : "true" } ]

  • The authentication methods that could be activated for the user

registration.3.userinfo.fields = user.firstname, user.surname, user.email, user.mobile, password, user.userid

  • User information fields.

registration.3.userinfo.optional =

  • Optional user information fields 

registration.3.organizations = [ { "path": "Users" }, [ { "path": "Customers/${user.userid}" } ] ]

  • User is created to defined organization (Users) and other organizations are created as well.
  • Leave the first part empty to allow administrator to choose the user's organization during the workflow:
    registration.3.organizations = [ { }, [ { "path": "Customers/${user.userid}" } ] ]

registration.3.roles = [ "Customers/${user.userid}/Customer" ]

  • Roles to be added automatically to the user

For more information on registration configurations see Self-registration workflow configuration - CustomerID.

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