CustomerID registration configuration examples

CustomerID registration configuration examples

CustomerID registration offers many configuration parameters but to get started in testing you only need a few.

This workflow will have three sections - one screen to collect acceptance of terms and conditions, the second to collect basic user details including password, and the final screen to summarise the data given. All users will be identical in their access right and have only a single role (all_users/User). 

registration.1 = person
registration.1.enabled = true
registration.1.methods = { "name" : "password.2", "mandatory" : "true", "visible" : "false", "default" : "true" }
registration.1.userinfo.fields = {acceptTerms}, {firstname, surname, customerid, email, password}
registration.1.summary.fields = firstname, surname, customerid, email
registration.1.organizations = { "path" : "all_users", "organizationtype" : "users" }
registration.1.roles = [ "all_users/User"]

Make sure you define the organization where the user should be created with key registration.N.organizations.

The following workflow demonstrates dynamic organization generation and access right assignment. As the first one It has three sections - one screen to collect acceptance of terms and conditions, the second to collect basic user details including password and a customer number, and the final screen to summarise the data given. For the customer number entered by the user an organization entity is created to represent that customership. In addition to a universal User role the registered user is assigned a Representative role in the customership organization. 

registration.1 = customer
registration.1.enabled = true
registration.1.methods = { "name" : "password.2", "mandatory" : "true", "visible" : "false", "default" : "true" }
registration.1.userinfo.fields = {acceptTerms}, {firstname, surname, email, customernumber, password}
registration.1.summary.fields = firstname, surname, customernumber, email
registration.1.organizations = [{ "path" : "all_users", "organizationtype" : "users" }, \
	[{ "path" : "customer/${customernumber}", "organizationtype" : "customership" }]]
registration.1.roles = [ "all_users/User", "customer/${customernumber}/Representative" ]

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