How to enable access to SSO Management Console with CustomerID password

This page describes how a specific user from CustomerID data repository can get access to SSO Management Console too. Normally this is required when a user needs to perform administrative tasks that are not available on CustomerID Admin interface.

As a reminder, bear in mind that the default authentication method to access SSO Management Console is password.1. In contrast, CustomerID accounts use password.2

  1. Log in to SSO Management Console with your administrative account.

  2. On the Site Navigator, select "System" site.
  3. Go to Site Methods tab and click "Add Method" button. On the pop up window, select "password.2" (CustomerID  password).

  4. The next step is to add password.2 as an allowed method for Ubilogin application.
  5. From System site, go to "Applications" tab and select Ubilogin.
  6. The go to "Allowed Methods" tab. Find "password.2" which should be still unticked.
  7. Tick password.2 and press "Update" button:

  8. In order to avoid confusions, on Global Method Settings, rename Title of password.2 to "CustomerID Password"

  9. Now we must create a group for the users who will gain SSO Management Console access.
  10. On System site, create a new group called "CustomerID Admins"

  11. Once the group is created, go to Allowed Applications tab and add Ubilogin

  12. The final step is to add specific users to the group. Go to eIDM Users site, and find them depending which organization they belong.

  13. On users where you want to give access to , specify CustomerID Admins group

  14. Now the selected user(s) is (are) ready to log in to SSO Management Console.