Method based custom group in CID for internal access control

If application wants to provide special rights based on authentication method chosen by user while logging in, then we need to have custom group name for configuration in

In this case, SSO sends information about the authentication method selected by user to CID which is end application and CID can then decide if there are some privileges/restrictions needs to be applied to the user based on authentication method selected.
For CID to provide such permissions to particular users based on authentication method selected, we need to create custom group that can be configured in permissions properties.

Below are the steps for configuration of method based custom group for CID

  1. For authentication methods that want to grant special rights to logged-in users, attribute Mapping link must be created, which adds the methods with the attribute “OTPUser” (This would be name of the custom group).
    More details on Attribute Mapping :

  2. Go to SSO Management → Attribute Mapping → Create new Mapping
    Main Tab → Name : AddOTPUser
    Attributes Tab → precondition can be empty , Attribute name : group , Attribute value : OTPUser
    methods Tab → select authentication method which wants to grant special rights

    Attribute Mapping


  3. Go to eIDM Services -> authorization policies -> eidm2.policy -> attributes

  4. For the attribute “group” click on new value -> select the group eIDM Groups / eIDMUser.

  5. In the value field of the new value row add “method: group” as shown in below screenshot

  6. All logged in methods selected in step 1 now also have the group attribute value OTPUser.
    You can verify in DEBUG logs that group name is being passed correctly as below :

    2022-04-25 13:12:18,319 authz name=group, value=method:group, expr=${method["group"]}, result=OTPUser
  7. In the customerID newly created custom group , grp: OTPUser can be used to restrict/provide permissions where necessary.