Follow the order of the guide. Issue all of the following commands in Windows command prompt using the Administrator user account.
Backing Up Ubisecure Directory (ADAM or AD LDS)
Backup the Ubisecure Directory before Ubisecure CustomerID installation. See Ubisecure SSO & CustomerID Backup and Restore Guide for detailed instructions.
Unpacking the Distribution Package
Unzip the Ubisecure CustomerID zip archive
into a temporary folder, for example %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\customerid
Checking Java
Ubisecure CustomerID requires that a correct version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for Servers is available on the server on which Ubisecure CustomerID will be installed. The Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files must be included in the Java installation. Please check the Java installation based on requirements mentioned in Installation and (Upgrade Requirements).
If you haven't done so already during Java installation, make sure you have the following environment variables set related to Java. Modify the paths according to your Java installation.
Set JAVA_HOME to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121
Set JRE_HOME to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\jre
Environment variables can be set Control Panel → View Advanced System Properties → Environment Variables → System Variables
Installing WildFly Application Server
Ubisecure SSO service needs to be stopped at this point if SSO is installed on the same server as CID and SSO is using port 8443.
net stop UbiloginServer
First, extract the WildFly distribution package and place it in %PROGRAMFILES%
, so that the resulting home folder for WildFly becomes %PROGRAMFILES%\wildfly-x.x.x.Final .
This folder will be referred to as %WILDFLY_HOME%
Copy the docs\contrib\scripts\service
folder to %WILDFLY_HOME%\bin
folder, so that the resulting path is %WILDFLY_HOME%\bin\service
set WILDFLY_HOME=%PROGRAMFILES%\wildfly-x.x.x.Final cd /D %WILDFLY_HOME%\bin xcopy /SI ..\docs\contrib\scripts\service service
Due to a bug in the standard WildFly distribution package, edit the service.bat file
cd /D "%WILDFLY_HOME%\bin\service" notepad service.bat
change the following line:
set DESCRIPTION="WildFly Application Server"
set DESCRIPTION=WildFly Application Server
Having done that, use service.bat to install WildFly as a Windows Service:
cd /D "%WILDFLY_HOME%\bin\service" service.bat install
You can also change the admin host from the default localhost:9990 to something else with the /host parameter. Note that our provided database driver and data source installation scripts require the admin port and assume it's at port 9990, so if you plan to disable or change it, it is best done after the installation is complete.
You can now start the WildFly service by opening the View Local Services functionality and locating WildFly server, right-clicking and selecting Start, or using the net start command:
net start wildfly
Uninstalling WildFly
In case you need to uninstall WildFly here are the instructions for it. To uninstall the service, invoke the service.bat with the uninstall parameter.
net stop wildfly cd /D "%WILDFLY_HOME%\bin\service" service.bat uninstall
Then either delete the WildFly installation folder or backup it to a different location.
Extract the Configuration Template
Create a folder under %PROGRAMFILES%
called Ubisecure.
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%" mkdir Ubisecure
Unzip the
archive into this newly created directory.
Edit the Setup Template
Ubisecure CustomerID uses the same Ubisecure Directory as Ubisecure SSO. For this reason, Ubisecure CustomerID needs some of the configuration details from the Ubisecure SSO setup. This chapter describes how this information can be added to the Ubisecure CustomerID configuration.
The other properties can be adjusted according to the needs of the specific installation environment.
Create a copy of the Ubisecure CustomerID configuration template:
Create a copy of the Ubisecure CustomerID Windows configuration file win32.config by issuing the following commands:
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application" copy config\win32.config
Copy entries from Ubisecure SSO configuration file to Ubisecure CustomerID configuration file:
Open the Ubisecure CustomerID win32.config file for editing:
notepad %PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application\win32.config
Open the Ubisecure SSO win32.config file:
notepad %PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin\win32.config
Copy the following values from Ubisecure SSO win32.config file to the Ubisecure CustomerID win32.config file:
From: Ubisecure SSO
To: UbisecureCustomerID
Check that there are no unintentional characters at the end of uas.url value. In fact, always check that there are no extra spaces at ends of any of the lines!
You can now close the Ubisecure SSO
file- Rest of the fields in the Ubisecure CustomerID
file can be defined independently from Ubisecure SSO.Edit win32.config
To run UbisecureCustomerID setup script:
Take the setup configurations in use by issuing the following commands:
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application\" setup.cmd
Configuring WildFly
This chapter will configure WildFly to use HTTP and HTTPS ports defined in win32.config.
Creating the Certificate Key Store for SSL
If you have a production-ready SSL certificate, it is easiest to store it in a keystore.pfx file that is saved in %WILDFLY_HOME%\standalone\configuration\keystore.pfx
. If you don't have a production ready server certificate, then you can either create a temporary self-signed one using cert.cmd, to get you started with testing, or buy a production certificate from, for example:
The script cert.cmd will generate a self-signed certificate and deposit it in a key store file called keystore.pfx. This file is saved in %WILDFLY_HOME%\standalone\configuration\keystore.pfx
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools" cert.cmd
If you are using self-signed certificates (like the one provided by default in the installation of Ubisecure SSO) also with Ubisecure SSO you need to import the public key into the Java certificate store (%JRE_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts
Modifying WildFly Service
To change the WildFly service starting type to automatic from the default setting manual run config-wildfly-service.cmd
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools" config-wildfly-service.cmd
Configure WildFly File Permissions
Add LOCAL SERVICE account to WildFly home folder. Modify file permissions for the folder %PROGRAMFILES%\wildfly-x.x.x.Final
. Give full control to the LOCAL SERVICE account.
NOTE: For the Ubisecure CustomerID service startup to be successful when the server is restarted, the WildFly service startup needs to be dependent on the data storage services (PostgreSQL and the used LDAP(s)). If the WildFly service starts up before the data storage services then the startup won't succeed.
If PostgreSQL is running on the same server as WildFly, create a startup dependency to ensure PostgreSQL is running before WildFly is started. As administrator, execute the following command:
sc config wildfly depend=postgresql
Applying WildFly Configuration Changes
The command config-wildfly.cmd
will relocate HTTP and HTTPS ports according to configuration that was specified in win32.config
and set up the references to the key store containing the server certificate. It will also set host aliases. Make sure that all phases finish with a success status.
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools" config-wildfly.cmd
After these steps you can open a browser to the server's HTTPS port and verify that the connection is over HTTPS and check that the certificate information is what you would expect under the circumstances.
Additional SSL Considerations
Ubisecure CustomerID can be configured to make calls to third-party software during the user registration workflows. Typically data entered by the user is verified against a CRM or other backend service to determine which access rights a user should be automatically given based on an existing service agreement.
If you plan to use back channel connections from Ubisecure CustomerID over SSL encrypted connections, you will have to add each server's public key to the Server JRE's cacerts file: %JRE_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts
. Once you have downloaded the server's public key, you can add it to the key store with the following commands:
cd /D "%JRE_HOME%\lib\security\" %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -alias "<descriptive alias here>" -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -file C:\path\to\certificate.cer
This command can also be run at a later stage when third-party backend services are added to user registration workflows.
Setting Up customerid.home System Property for WildFly
WildFly requires the customerid.home system property in order to locate relevant configuration files. To update this system property, run register-customerid-home.cmd
from tools folder.
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools" register-customerid-home.cmd
The command has run successfully if the output shows {"outcome" => "success"}
Setting Up Audit and Diagnostic logging
Starting from Ubisecure CustomerID 5.0.x, logging is managed centrally via the WildFly Java EE container. The script setup-logging.cmd
contacts WildFly management port and then sets up logging configuration to redirect Ubisecure CustomerID specific log entries to separate files. To set up logging, run the following commands in a command prompt:
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools" setup-logging.cmd
The command has run successfully if the output shows {"outcome" => "success"}
many times.
Setting Up a Mail Session
The mail session is set up by executing the script create-mail-session.cmd
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools" create-mail-session.cmd
The command has run successfully if the output shows {"outcome" => "success"}
and "reload required"
many times.
NOTE: You need to have defined email related configuration in win32.config in order for the above script to work. If you are not going to send emails from Ubisecure CustomerID then this step can be skipped. Emails are sent for user invitations, role requests, notifications of approvals and password management tasks.
Preparing a Database for Ubisecure CustomerID
This chapter will describe how to install a very basic PostgreSQL Server RDBMS installation with a basic database for Ubisecure CustomerID. Many details will vary on a per customer basis, so further tuning is left to the integrator. One significant detail is to manage the collation rules on a per-column basis, therefore it is most probably necessary to make changes to the provided Database Definition Language (DDL) files before they are used to create the database tables for Ubisecure CustomerID. Collations define how text is compared and sorted and whether searches should behave in a case sensitive or insensitive manner.
Following commands are just examples how install a basic PostgreSQL database. You might want to use your own commands. Don't copy and paste the commands in this chapter. Write them by hand to the command prompt to avoid involuntary character replacement.
Obtaining and Installing PostgreSQL
Ubisecure CustomerID requires a PostgreSQL database which is not included in the distribution.
PostgreSQL binaries and instructions on how to use platform specific package managers to download and install PostgreSQL, can be found at the following URL:
Having obtained PostgreSQL binaries, run the wizard or relevant binaries to install. The installation process is documented and maintained by your PostgreSQL provider, so please follow their instructions to ensure the best possible configuration. We have tested Ubisecure CustomerID with PostgreSQL 9.4.x.
Creating a Database User
Use the following command to create a new user in the PostgreSQL database.
cd /d C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin (your PostgreSQL installation directory) psql --username=postgres -c "CREATE USER customerid_user WITH PASSWORD 'replace with your database.password from win32.config'"
When prompted, enter the password given in the installer wizard window during the PostgreSQL installation process.
Creating the Database
psql --username=postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE customeriddb WITH OWNER = customerid_user ENCODING = 'UTF8' TABLESPACE = pg_default LC_COLLATE = 'Finnish_Finland.1252' LC_CTYPE = 'Finnish_Finland.1252' CONNECTION LIMIT = -1;" psql --username=postgres -c "GRANT CONNECT, TEMPORARY ON DATABASE customeriddb TO public;" psql --username=postgres -c "GRANT ALL ON DATABASE customeriddb TO customerid_user;"
Modifying the DDL
The main modifications to the DDL involves setting collations to specific columns. There could be some information that should be interpreted as identical regardless of letter case but on the other hand there could also be some attributes where letter case is significant in uniqueness. In order to make it easier to set collations to columns it is convenient to create named collations that can be referenced by name instead.
psql --username=postgres --dbname=customeriddb -c "CREATE COLLATION custom_collation (locale = 'Finnish_Finland');"
Now that there's a named collation, it can be attached to column definitions by modifying DDL like in example below:
Applying the CustomerID DDL to PostgreSQL
psql --dbname=customeriddb --username=customerid_user -f "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\sql\cid_create.sql"
When prompted, enter the password from the database.password value of the win32.config file.
If you notice something wrong with the database at this point, it is possible to drop the tables using the script cid-drop.sql. After this, the DDL can be modified and imported again. Note that all inserted data in the database will be lost when the tables are dropped.
Creating the JDBC Data Source to WildFly
Ubisecure CustomerID uses a JDBC data source to access the database, thus one needs to be created to WildFly before the Ubisecure CustomerID application can be deployed. There is a script in the distribution package's tools folder for this purpose: create-datasource.cmd
. Note that the win32.config
file must have been configured and setup.cmd
must have been run successfully and WildFly must be running before the create-datasource.cmd
script can be run successfully.
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools" create-datasource.cmd
Directory Service for Ubisecure CustomerID Internal Database
You need to define a directory service in Ubisecure SSO Management that is used for accessing the Ubisecure CustomerID's SQL database. To create the service open Ubisecure SSO Management.
Start Ubisecure SSO
net start UbiloginServer
- Access the URL UAS_URL/ubilogin in a browser
- Create a new Service in Services tab (Select Home → Services → New Service...)
- Title: CustomerID SQL
- Directory type: SQL
- Click OK
- Edit following information:
- Service URL:
jdbc:postgresql://host:port/customeriddb – replacing hostname and port number as needed using and database.port settings from customerid\application\win32.config - Username:
Use database.user value from customerid\application\win32.config. This value is usually customerid_user Credentials:
Use database.password value from customerid\application\win32.configNOTE: If there are escape characters ("\") in the database.password value, remove them before copying the value to the Credentials field.
Enter the following text in the Configuration String text area:
validationQuery= SELECT 1Figure 2, SQL Configuration
- Service URL:
- Click Update
Restart Ubisecure SSO
net stop UbiloginServer net start UbiloginServer
Creating Web Agents for Ubisecure CustomerID
Ubisecure CustomerID needs two web agents. The first one is used to provide login functionality to the Ubisecure CustomerID user interfaces and it also provides the LDAP user account that Ubisecure CustomerID uses when accessing Ubisecure Directory. The second web agent is used when performing verifications during registrations. Ubisecure CustomerID installation package contains LDIF import files that need to be imported to Ubisecure Directory using the import functionality of Ubisecure SSO.
- Importing the web agent:
Import the LDIF files that create the web agent by issuing the following commands:
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application\ldap" import.cmd customerid.ldif import.cmd customerid-secrets.ldif import.cmd customerid-adlds.ldif
Ubisecure CustomerID Directory Service Configuration
Ubisecure CustomerID needs an access to the main user LDAP directory and a directory service is needed to establish this connection. To create the service open Ubisecure SSO Management.
- Access the URL UAS_URL/ubilogin in a browser
- Create a new Service in Services tab (Select Home → Services → New Service...)
- Title:
CustomerID Directory - Directory type:
Ubilogin Directory or Active Directory
Select Active Directory only when external AD is used for CustomerID user storage. Typically Ubilogin Directory is used.
- Title:
- Click OK
Append one of the following two configurations to the existing text in the "Configuration String" field, depending if UbiloginDirectory or Active Directory is used for CustomerID user data storage: Typically Ubilogin Directory is used.
Ubilogin Directory:policy.password.encoding={SSHA} directory=ldap:///{LDAP root} policy.password.protocol=UbiloginDirectory password-name=password.2
Active Directory:
java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary=objectGUID policy.password.protocol=ActiveDirectoryDs password-name=password.2
For detailed instructions concerning these settings see Ubisecure SSO Installation and Upgrade document. You can check the value of {LDAP root} for example from the file situated in the %PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application\custom folder. The value is the LDAP root part of the java.naming.provider.url property. Example:
java.naming.provider.url = ldap://localhost:389/cn=Ubilogin,dc=test
For clustered Ubisecure SSO you will need the following following settings in the CustomerID Directory settings in the Ubisecure SSO Home → Services tab → CustomerID Directory → Configuration String
com.ubisecure.util.ldap.server.list=<ldap://server1:port/> <ldap://server2:port/> com.ubisecure.util.ldap.failover.type=single-master (default is multi-master) com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout=15000 (in milliseconds) (in milliseconds) com.ubisecure.util.ldap.maxage=120000 (in milliseconds) com.ubisecure.util.ldap.auth.pool.max=8
- Click Update
Restart Ubisecure SSO from command line
net stop UbiloginServer net start UbiloginServer
Ubisecure CustomerID SSO Adapter Installation
See CustomerID HA SSO Adapter Installation in Windows
Authentication Method Configuration
The authentication method configuration is done using Ubisecure SSO Management or the LDIF import files provided by Ubisecure SSO installation.
Create the Authentication Methods
You need to create the required authentication methods according to the general guidelines concerning creating authentication methods into Ubisecure SSO. Here are some hints concerning what could be relevant for specific authentication methods:
- Password method
- Set title:
CustomerID Password - Name:
password.2 - Select method type:
SPI Password - Set directory to:
CustomerID Directory
- By default user logs in using the login attribute (which is uid in Ubisecure Directory and sAMAccountName in Active Directory). If you want the user to login using email address, you must add directory.account.login=mail to the configuration string. You must also add general.login.attribute=mail to Create text file under
- Set the optional policy.password.expiring configuration string to show a warning to users during login of a pending password expiry. The value is number of minutes. 10080 is one week. This number should be increased accordingly if users rarely use the system.
- Select Enabled
- Press Update
- Set title:
- SMS method
- Set title. Title will be shown in the user interface during login.
SMS - Name:
ubikey.sms.1 - Select method type:
SPI Mobile Phone Set directory to:
CustomerID DirectoryFigure 4. SMS method
- Set title. Title will be shown in the user interface during login.
- By default user logs in using the login attribute (which is uid in Ubisecure Directory and sAMAccountName in Active Directory). If you want user to login using email address, you must add directory.account.login=mail to the configuration string. You must also add general.login.attribute=mail to Create
text file under%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application\custom
- You need to define the password-name configuration string. It should contain the name of the used password method (usually password.2).
You need to define the smsUrl configuration string. It should contain the URL of the SMS server.
Figure 5, SMS URL - If Active Directory is used as the main user repository for Ubisecure CustomerID then you need to define the methodUserGroupDN configuration string. It points to the AD group which defines those users that are allowed to use SMS authentication. The relative name of the correct group is ActiveSMSUser. The whole DN is installation specific. Typically Active Directory is not used as the main user repository for Ubisecure CustomerID.
- Select Enabled
- Press Update
- By default user logs in using the login attribute (which is uid in Ubisecure Directory and sAMAccountName in Active Directory). If you want user to login using email address, you must add directory.account.login=mail to the configuration string. You must also add general.login.attribute=mail to Create
- OTP Printout method
- Set title: Title will be shown in the user interface during login.
One Time Password - Set name:
ubikey.otp.1 - Select method type:
SPI Ubikey OTP Printout - Set directory to:
CustomerID Directory
- By default users log in using the login attribute (which is uid in Ubisecure Directory and sAMAccountName in Active Directory). If you want users to login using their email addresses, you must add directory.account.login=mail to the configuration string. You must also add general.login.attribute=mail to
. Create text file under%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application\custom
- You need to define the password-name configuration string. It should contain the name of the used password method (usually password.2).
If Active Directory is used as the main user repository then you need to define the userCredentialsTableDN configuration string. It defines the name of the OTP table object in Ubisecure Directory. OTP Printout authentication method information is stored in Ubisecure Directory for all Active Directory users who use the OTP Printout method and that information will be stored under the OTP table. Typically Active Directory is not used as the main user repository for Ubisecure CustomerID.
Figure 6, OTP Printout Method, configuration string parameters will be shown after next part
- Set title: Title will be shown in the user interface during login.
- Press Update
- Select the SPI Ubikey Printout tab
- You need to define the otpWindow configuration string if you want to define how many one-time passwords from the password list are checked against the given one-time password during one-time password validation.
- You need to define the otpDefaultLength configuration string if you want to define the length of the one-time passwords.
- You need to define the otpDefaultListLength configuration string if you want to define the amount of one-time passwords in a generated password list.
For sending the OTP list from within the Ubisecure SSO Management application the mailSessionJNDIName configuration string must be set. In most cases, this field can be left blank as it is not required for self-service list management using Ubisecure CustomerID.
Figure 7, OTP Printout Configuration Strings - Select Enabled
- Press Update
- TUPAS methods
- This is only required when using Finnish Bank Authentication Services
- When creating the TUPAS methods follow the separate TUPAS methods related documentation.
- Automatic creation for TUPAS test methods can be done with
%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin\ldap\adam\import.cmd ..\methods\methods-tupas.ldif
Remember to enable all of the created authentication methods. This can be done by selecting the X at the top of the checkbox column to tick all boxes, and then press Update.
For more information concerning authentication method configuration check the Ubisecure SSO authentication method documentation.
Figure 8, All authentication methods are ticked as enabled |
Create a Site-Specific Configuration for Ubisecure CustomerID
The next step in Ubisecure CustomerID installation is to create a site specific configuration for Ubisecure CustomerID. This can be done by editing the custom/ and other Ubisecure CustomerID configuration files. For more information about the configuration options, refer to CustomerID Configuration. If you will be using Active Directory as the main user repository for Ubisecure CustomerID then you can find AD specific configuration guidance from CustomerID AD Integration Configuration. After you have finished creating a site specific setup, return to this document and go through the rest of the chapters.
Examples of the types of configurations required at the step include:
- defining user registration workflows
- defining organization types and roles
- defining what strong authentication methods are available
- defining policies for login names
Generally it is recommended to use a very basic configuration first, ensure the system is fully configured and running and then modify the settings again later to match the use case requirements.
Execute the following commands to create and edit the
cd /d %PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application\custom notepad
Typical entries include:
# use email address as the username when logging in # this requires that directory.account.login=mail is added to password.2 authentication method settings # without this setting, the default uid is used as the username when logging in general.login.attribute = mail # where to redirect the user when an error occurs or user presses exit - generally home page of the target service general.default.returnUrl = # where to redirect the user after logout has been performed general.default.logoutReturnUrl =
NOTE: This step is very important as some configuration options cannot be changed after this step.
Deploying Ubisecure CustomerID
Ubisecure CustomerID uses WildFly as a J2EE Container. This chapter describes how to download Identity Provider metadata from Ubisecure SSO, generate Service Provider metadata, and deploy the cid-ear-x.x.x.ear
and cid-worker-ear-x.x.x.ear enterprise archives (EARs).
To download Identity Provider metadata and generate Service Provider metadata:
Download IDP metadata by running the following commands:
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools\" get-metadata.cmd
This command will show download statistics if successful.
Initialize Ubisecure CustomerID SPs by running the following commands:
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools\" init-eidm-sp.cmd
This command will not display any output if successful.
Initialize authentication provider by running the following commands:
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools\" init-eidm-ap.cmd
This command will not display any output if successful.
Deploy the Ubisecure CustomerID applications to WildFly using the deploy-ear.cmd script. When invoking the script, you must supply the path to the ear file, like in the example below:
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools\" deploy-ear.cmd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\customerid\cid-ear-x.x.x.ear deploy-ear.cmd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\customerid\cid-worker-ear-x.x.x.ear
Ubisecure CustomerID Initialization
To initialize Ubisecure CustomerID with initialization scripts:
Initialize Ubisecure CustomerID internal database and repository (i.e., the part of Ubisecure Directory needed by Ubisecure CustomerID) by running the following commands
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools\" init-customerid-data-storages.cmd
Successful execution will show:
Download SP metadata for authentication provider by running the following commands:
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\tools\" get-metadata-for-ap.cmd
This command will show download statistics if successful.
Restarting Ubisecure Software
Ubisecure SSO & CustomerID restart is required to take into use all the new features initialized in the previous chapter.
To restart Ubisecure SSO:
Restart Ubisecure SSO by running the following commands:
net stop UbiloginServer net start UbiloginServer
Restart Ubisecure CustomerID by running the following commands:
net stop wildfly net start wildfly
NOTE: Stopping the Ubisecure CustomerID service using the mentioned command may not succeed in Windows if your firewall settings block access to WildFly management.
Go to CustomerID HA Example User Data Import in Windows to import the example admin user.
You can now login using URL: https://<eidm.url>/eidm2/wf/admin
eidm.url can be found from: "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application\win32.config"