Ubisecure CustomerID uses the same Ubisecure Directory as Ubisecure SSO. For this reason, Ubisecure CustomerID needs some of the configuration details from the Ubisecure SSO setup. This chapter describes how this information can be added to the Ubisecure CustomerID configuration.
The other properties can be adjusted according to the needs of the specific installation environment.
Create a copy of the Ubisecure CustomerID configuration template:
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application" copy config\win32.config
Copy entries from Ubisecure SSO configuration file to Ubisecure CustomerID configuration file:
Open the Ubisecure CustomerID win32.config file for editing:
notepad %PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application\win32.config
Open the Ubisecure SSO win32.config file:
notepad %PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\ubilogin-sso\ubilogin\win32.config
Copy the following values from Ubisecure SSO win32.config file to the Ubisecure CustomerID win32.config file:
From: Ubisecure SSO
To: Ubisecure CustomerID
Check that there are no unintentional characters at the end of uas.url value. In fact, always check that there are no extra spaces at ends of any of the lines!
You can now close the Ubisecure SSO
file- Rest of the fields in the Ubisecure CustomerID
file can be defined independently from Ubisecure SSO.Edit win32.config
Field Name
Field Description
ubilogin.home This is the path to the location where Ubisecure SSO has been installed. Backslashes must be escaped with a backslash. ubilogin.home=C:\\Program Files\\Ubisecure\\ubilogin-sso\\ubilogin eidm.url This is the publicly visible URL address of your Ubisecure CustomerID installation. The value must not include a path component and must not end with a '/' character. This address must be accessible for all users of this installation. In an installation with front-end reverse proxy servers this address refers to the first front-end server that is accessible from the public network. In production systems, no port number should be used. eidm.url=https://cid.example.com proxy.local.url (if proxy is used) In case there is a reverse proxy server acting in front of the Ubisecure CustomerID, proxy.local.url specifies the URL that will be used by the reverse proxy when accessing the Ubisecure CustomerID. In example below, you must configure proxy to listen to eidm.url and forward requests to port 7443 on host1.local
proxy.local.url=https://host1.local:7443rest.username The username used with REST calls. rest.password The password used with REST calls. ldap.principal The object in LDAP that is used as login object for LDAP connections from Ubisecure CustomerID. ldap.password The password used when connecting to LDAP from Ubisecure CustomerID. database.host Defines the host where PostgreSQL is installed. This can be an IP address or DNS host name. database.port Defines the public TCP port of the PostgreSQL server. Default is 5432. database.name Defines the name of the database that Ubisecure CustomerID should use from the PostgreSQL server. database.user Defines a user name that Ubisecure CustomerID should use to connect to PostgreSQL. database.password Defines the connection password for the Ubisecure CustomerID database user. wildfly.home Defines the folder where WildFly is installed. wildfly.http.port Defines the TCP port where WildFly listens for unencrypted HTTP connections. wildfly.https.port Defines the TCP port where WildFly listens for encrypted HTTP connections. wildfly.ip_addr.master IP address of CustomerID master node (disregard if standalone). wildfly.ip_addr.slave IP address of CustomerID slave node (disregard if standalone). database.driver.path Defines the path where scripts can find the PostgreSQL JDBC driver. (If you have followed instructions to the letter, this must be defined to point to %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\customerid.) Note, that in the configuration file, all paths must be escaped by duplicating each "\"-separator, so the actual path %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\customerid would have to be defined as %USERPROFILE\\Desktop
customerid.database.driver.file Defines the file name of the actual JDBC database driver library. keystore.alias Defines a custom alias for the server's SSL key pair in the certificate key store. keystore.password Defines a password for the key store. mail.host The DNS name or IP address of the mail server. mail.port The TCP port of the mail server. Usually 25 for unencrypted SMTP, 465 for encrypted SMTP. mail.username The user account name used to log on to the mail server. This is an optional property. mail.password The password of the user account name used to log on to the mail server. This is configured only in conjunction with mail.username. mail.from The email address to insert in the from field of the email messages. You need to escape the "@" character with another "@" character. Example: john.doe@@example.com mail.ssl Define if SSL should be used when contacting the mail server. Value is either true or empty.
To run Ubisecure CustomerID setup script:
Take the setup configurations in use by issuing the following commands:
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application\" setup.cmd