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  1. Call the token endpoint using the client_id, client_secret, enduser username and enduser password. Scope should be set to openid.

    First command to get access token:

    curl -X POST -u "myClientID:clientSecret" -d "grant_type=password&username=jdoe&password=changeit"

    If you get an id_token then the password was correct

  2. Now you should still verify that the subject matches the current user changing the password. If the password is wrong, the token request will fail. Call the introspection endpoint with the command below, specifying client_id, client_secret and the access token received with the previous API call.

    Command to call introspection endpoint:

    curl -X POST -u "myClientID:clientSecret" -d "token=eyJjdHkiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2IiwiemlwIjoiREVGIiwiaXNzIjoiYjgwNzQ1Y2ItN2U1Yy00MTgzLTk1ZDMtYzZlZTc5YzJlMDE0In0..71HtG8utJIbm57TUk1Gdgg.4jGK2D5lpCiwla5JhSKtecb9yf1ewo9-JH6BL6rZJfav_-9a5d1d1B0HeyLOzk3nY_FU25idDTuFGvMngGDRK3vkQjZsb3AM7KB_t3iGxdvtc-Abdg4tiOwadGEuKZEszjr9lOMwGtR6fCtbU1P4mZifTGoyrhZnw1JhsW-2rswoHGtdoUXYkmx8UOSmdzMPZC41ZY1NZyFQ8Zhb-2OtWqJGuiTWpkpRe5tuoxqjqRD07rBH8lex3gZPmlzKuIxyqPO09I-CxbuTOOGLhWB75bqHD9nUvtu650Svnodp1nAb3aTFinYSH7Ho0w-NwUxE6kJtPwhnF76KDTHWE8-RnA.ngQEpxZfdNPsNLX75P64Kg"

    The output of the second call should show you the username and/or email (depending on the authorisation policy configured). With this you have verified that the right user has entered the right current password.

After this , the application can update the is implemented on your application, it will be ready to update any new user's password in the data repository.
