Two node installation on Linux - CustomerID

Last reviewed: 2018-05-04

Follow the steps in order. Issue all commands using the root user account.

Perform once for the whole Ubisecure CustomerID cluster:

  1. Back up Ubisecure Directory. See instructions from Backup and restore Ubisecure Directory - SSO.

Perform on each Ubisecure CustomerID node:

  1. Unpack the distribution package. See instructions from Distribution package unpacking on Linux - CustomerID.
  2. Check Java. See instructions from Java check on Linux - CustomerID.
  3. Install WildFly. See instructions from Two node WildFly domain installation on Linux - CustomerID.

Perform once on CustomerID Master Node:

  1. Extract the deployment template. See instructions from Deployment template extraction on Linux - CustomerID.
  2. Edit the setup template and run setup. See instructions from Setup template on Linux - CustomerID.
  3. Prepare WildFly for domain configuration. See instructions from Two node WildFly prepare for domain configuration on Linux - CustomerID.
  4. Configure WildFly on CustomerID Master Node. See instructions from Two node master WildFly configuration on Linux - CustomerID.
  5. Configure the singleton subsystem. See instructions from Two node singleton subsystem configuration on Linux - CustomerID.
  6. Configure authentication protocol. See instructions from Application identity generation and IDP metadata download on Linux - CustomerID.

Perform on CustomerID Slave Node:

  1. Transfer the installation folder from master node. See instructions from Two node installation folder transfer on Linux - CustomerID.
  2. Configure WildFly on CustomerID Slave Node. See instructions from Two node slave WildFly configuration on Linux - CustomerID.

Perform once for the whole Ubisecure CustomerID cluster:

  1. Prepare PostgreSQL. See instructions from PostgreSQL preparation on Linux - CustomerID.

Perform once on CustomerID Master Node:

  1. Create JDBC data source to WildFly. See instructions from CustomerID Two Node JDBC Data Source Creation On Linux.
  2. Create a Mail Session configuration for WildFly. See instructions from Two node mail session creation on Linux - CustomerID
  3. Configure logging for CustomerID. See instructions from Two node logging on Linux - CustomerID
  4. Register "customerid.home" system property to WildFly. See instructions from WildFly system property registration on Linux - CustomerID

Perform once for the whole Ubisecure CustomerID cluster:

  1. Create a directory service for Ubisecure CustomerID SQL in Ubisecure SSO Management. See instructions from SQL directory service creation on Linux - CustomerID.
  2. Create web agents for Ubisecure CustomerID. See instructions from Web agents creation on Linux - CustomerID.
  3. Create a directory service for Ubisecure CustomerID LDAP in Ubisecure SSO Management. See instructions from LDAP directory service creation on Linux - CustomerID.

Perform on each Ubisecure SSO node:

  1. Install PostgreSQL JDBC driver to SSO node(s). See instructions from PostgreSQL JDBC driver installation to SSO on Linux - CustomerID.
  2. Install Ubisecure CustomerID SSO Adapter to SSO node(s). See instructions from SSO adapter installation on Linux - CustomerID.

Perform once for the whole Ubisecure CustomerID cluster:

  1. Add authentication method configurations in Ubisecure SSO Management. See instructions from Authentication method configuration on Linux - CustomerID.

Perform on each Ubisecure CustomerID node:

  1. Create a site specific configuration for Ubisecure CustomerID. See instructions from Site specific configuration on Linux - CustomerID.

Perform on the CustomerID Master Node

  1. Deploy the Worker Enterprise Archive to the WildFly domain. See instructions from Two node deploying Worker EAR on Linux - CustomerID
  2. Deploy CustomerID Enterprise Archive to the WildFly domain. See instructions from Two node deploying CustomerID EAR on Linux - CustomerID
  3. Configure HTTPS, See Two node CustomerID SSL on Linux - CustomerID..

Perform on each Ubisecure CustomerID node:

  1. Configure SELinux. See instructions from SELinux configuration - CustomerID.
  2. Restart Ubisecure CustomerID. See instructions from Restart on Linux - CustomerID.

Perform on the CustomerID Master Node

  1. Initialize data storages. See instructions from Data storages initialization on Linux - CustomerID.

Perform on each Ubisecure SSO node:

  1. Restart Ubisecure SSO. See instructions from Installation related SSO restart on Linux - CustomerID.

Perform on each Ubisecure CustomerID node:

  1. Restart Ubisecure CustomerID on Master node first, then slave node. See instructions from Restart on Linux - CustomerID.

Perform once for the whole Ubisecure CustomerID cluster:

  1. Import example admin user. See instructions from Example user data import on Linux - CustomerID.