General template properties - SSO

General template properties can be used to modify some functional or content related aspects of the login screens. The different properties are described below.

  • css
     → This property defines the CSS file that should be used for the login screens instead of the default CSS. Location of file is defined in resource.index.

Example: css = customer.css

  • logo
     → This property defines the logo picture file that will be shown on the login screens. Define as empty if logo.svg is used. Location of file is defined in resource.index.

Example: logo = customer_logo.png

  • logo.svg
     → This property defines the logo picture file that will be shown on the login screens and is used with SSO 7 templates. Location of file is defined in resource.index.

Example: logo.svg = customer_logo.svg
SVG format is recommended for best device compatibility. It is possible to use PNG format here:
Example: logo.svg = customer_logo.png

  • logo.ico
     → This property defines the favicon file that will be shown on the browser tab in SSO server pages. Location of file is defined in resource.index.

Example: logo.ico = customer_favicon.ico

  • logolink
     → This property defines the address of the web page where clicking the logo picture will link to.

Example: logolink =

  • logoalt
     → This property defines the alternative text that will be presented in place of the logo picture if necessary.

Example: logoalt = Ubisecure

  • javascript
     → This property defines the javascript files that are loaded for the login screens in addition to other javascript files. Location of files are defined in resource.index. Value is a comma separated list.

Example: javascript = /resource/script/jquery.js , /resource/script/ui-extension.js
The referenced javascripts are included in the login screens and can be used to add further custom functionality for custom formatting and client side input validation.

  • title
     → This property defines the HTML title of all the login screens. The HTML title is usually shown in the title bar of the browser window.

Example: title = Ubisecure Single Sign-On

  • defaultlocale
     → This property defines the default locale to be used by the login screens. The default locale should be one of the values of the locales property. The default locale is used if no other locale has been requested, or if the requested locale is not supported.

Example: defaultlocale = en

  • locales
     → This property defines the supported language locales. Locale codes are entered as a comma separated list. Valid language locale values are the two letter lower case ISO-639 language codes.

Example: locales = fi, en, sv

  • localenames
     → This property defines the language names used as links to change the language on the login screens. Locale names are entered as a comma separated list that needs to be in the same order as the locale codes in the locales property.

Example: localenames = Suomeksi, English, Svenska

  • oidc.display →
     Defines, as a comma-separated list, the set of OpenID Connect display values, which this template satisfies.

Example: oidc.display = page,popup,touch,wap
An application can have multiple templates, each with unique characteristics. The best template for the device currently in use can then be selected at run time by the Relying Party in the authentication request by setting the display parameter.

  • autosubmit
     → Autosubmit uses javascript and is ment for skipping user confirmation when sign in process leads to service redirect. This property should be set as false if you want user to confirm transaction to service or to test and debug it. Valid values are: "true" and "false". In production you don't need to define this property since its true by default.

Example: autosubmit = true

  • consentrequired
     → This property defines if Consent Screen is shown. If authentication request for 5 seconds after successful authentication in federation use case. This gives a chance for the end user to review the help text before being redirected back to other IdP

Example: consentrequired = true

  • autocomplete
     → This property defines if HTML form entries can be automatically completed or not. Valid values are: "true" and "false".

Example: autocomplete = true

  • otpinputtype
     → This property defines the type of the one-time password input field. By setting it to "password" the contents of the field can be hidden from plain view. Normally there is no reason to hide the password values as that makes them harder to enter and provides no security benefits as they are used only once. However some users might find it uncomfortable if the password appears on the screen so there is a choice. Values "text" and "tel" guide the browser to show a proper on-screen keyboard. Valid values are: "text", "tel" and "password".

Example: otpinputtype = tel

Select which page elements will be shown by defining them either "true" or "false"

  • showlogo
     → This property defines if the logo is shown on the login screens.

Example: showlogo = true

  • showlocales
     → This property defines if the links to change the language locale are shown on the login screens.

Example: showlocales = true

  • showexit
     → This property defines if the exit link is shown on the login screens.

Example: showexit = true

  • showintro
     → This property defines if the intro box is shown on starting login screens.

Example: showintro = true

  • showhelp
     → This property defines if the help box is shown on the login screens.

Example: showhelp = true

  • showmenustepup
     → This property defines if the so called step up methods will be shown as clickable buttons on the menu login screen.

Example: showmenustepup = false

  • showlegal
     → This property defines if the "legal" text is shown on the login screens.

Example: showlegal = true

  • showlogin
     → This property defines if MENU_LOGIN_TITLE section is shown.

Example: showlogin = true

  • showagentlogo
     → This property defines if application logo (from application metadata) section is shown. This allows for a localized application-specific logo to be displayed under the login page logo for branding purposes.

Example: showagentlogo = true
Note: The application logo is shown only if the logo is configured in the application metadata (OAuth2 logo_uri values or SAML2 mdui:Logo element).

  • usemethodlogoimages
     → This property defines if logo images should be used in the external box on the login screens instead of the plain buttons. Valid values are "true" and "false". Requires Ubisecure SSO version 6.1.0 or higher.

Example: usemethodlogoimages = false

  • usemethodtextlink
     → This property defines if a text link is shown below the logo images in the external box on the login screens. This property is only relevant if "usemethodlogoimages" has been set to "true". Valid values are "true" and "false". Requires Ubisecure SSO version 6.1.0 or higher.

Example: usemethodtextlink = true

  • usemethodgroups
     → This property defines if the external authentication methods should be grouped somehow. When grouping is used only those external authentication methods that have been assigned to a group will be shown. Valid values are "true" and "false". Requires Ubisecure SSO version 6.1.0 or higher.

Example: usemethodgroups = true

  • landingpageexitlink
     → This property defines the default URL where the button on the landing page takes the user.

Example: landingpageexitlink =

  • methodimage.index
     → This property defines the location of the file which contains the method logo image file references. Using this function, authentication methods can have customized graphical logos instead of textual buttons. Requires Ubisecure SSO version 6.1.0 or higher. This property is described further below on page Authentication method hiding rules - SSO → Use Case Example.

Example: methodimage.index = methodimage.index

  • methodmenu.rules
     → This property defines the location of the file which contains the method hiding rules. Using this function, authentication methods can be selectively hidden from the user view. This property is described further on page Authentication method hiding rules - SSO.

Example: methodmenu.rules = methodmenu.rules