Configuration files related to customization - CustomerID
Configuration files related to customization - CustomerID
The configuration files which are used to override the default settings related to customization in Ubisecure CustomerID are placed in the custom directory inside the base directory (the suffix of the full path can be as follows: Ubisecure/customerid/application/custom).
- eidm2.properties
See eidm2.properties configuration file - CustomerID. - roles.properties
This file contains the friendly names and descriptions of roles. Changes require a server restart.
Default configuration file content for this file can be found fromC:\Program Files\Ubisecure\customerid\tools\examples\custom\roles.properties
. Please note that this default file should not be edited where it is, but it can be used as a template for your own configuration file. - messages_XX.properties
This file contains user interface texts for localization. You can also modify the user interface texts in this file. User interface texts have a language code XX as per ISO639-1. The values override the default localization messages for language XX. Changes to this file require a server restart.
Default text files are available in Finnish and English. They can be found fromC:\Program Files\Ubisecure\customerid\tools\examples\custom\ messages_XX.properties
(language code is en for English and fi for Finnish). Please note that these default files should not be edited where they are, but they can be used as templates for your own configuration files. - mailmessages.properties
This file contains multilanguage email texts for localization. It also defines which emails are used. Changes require a server restart.
Default configuration file content for this file can be found fromC:\Program Files\Ubisecure\customerid\tools\examples\custom\mailmessages.properties
. Please note that this default file should not be edited where it is, but it can be used as a template for your own configuration file. - mailmessages_XX.properties
This file contains language specific email texts for localization. However you cannot specify if an email is in use or not separately for each language. That has to be done in the multilanguage property file. Language specific email texts have a language code XX as per ISO639-1. The values override the default multilanguage email messages for language XX when the language XX can be somehow defined for the sent email. Changes require a server restart.
There are default configuration files available in Finnish and English. They can be found fromC:\Program Files\Ubisecure\customerid\tools\examples\custom\mailmessages_XX.properties
. Please note that these default files should not be edited where they are, but they can be used as templates for your own configuration files. - style.css
This file contains CSS customizations, which override the default CSS style. Changes to this file are effective without a server restart.
Default CSS file contents can be found fromC:\Program Files\Ubisecure\customerid\tools\examples\custom\style.css
. Please note that this default file should not be edited where it is, but it can be used as a template for your own configuration file. - logo.png / logo.gif / logo.jpg
This file defines the custom logo used in the user interface. Changes to this file are effective without a server restart. - favicon.ico
This file defines the favicon icon for Ubisecure CustomerID web pages. You may replace it with your own file. After the file has been replaced, the new file is used without a server restart. The file can be found from:- Windows: C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\customerid\application\custom\favicon.ico
- Linux: /usr/local/ubisecure/customerid/application/custom/favicon.ico
- help_YY_XX.html
These files contain user interface help pages. Help files have a specification YY and a language code_XX
, for example,help_admin_en.html
. Changes to these files are effective without a server restart. - terms_XX.html
These files contain the terms of use for the locale or language. By default, terms of use have a language code XX as per ISO639-1. Changes to this file are effective without a server restart.
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