jndi.properties configuration file - CustomerID
jndi.properties configuration file - CustomerID
The jndi.properties
configuration file contains the internal Ubisecure LDAP connection configuration. The initial LDAP connection configuration will be generated when running setup. You may want to add a server list configuration to this file if you use multiple internal LDAP nodes and want CustomerID to be able to connect to either of them in case one node has a failure. Changes to this file require a server restart. Example:
java.naming.factory.initial = com.ubisecure.util.ldap.jldap.JLDAP java.naming.provider.url = ldap://sso1.example.com:389/cn=Ubilogin,dc=example,dc=com java.naming.security.authentication = simple java.naming.security.principal = cn=eidm2,ou=eIDM Services,cn=Ubilogin,dc=example,dc=com java.naming.security.credentials = <password> com.ubisecure.util.ldap.server.list = ldap://sso1.example.com:389/ ldap://sso2.example.com:389/ com.ubisecure.util.ldap.failover.type = single-master