Installing the message bundles and configuration tips - SSO
After editing the message.index and the message bundles, you have to restart the Ubisecure SSO server for the additions to take effect. Ubisecure server restart is not required for changes to existing files already referenced in message.index, resource.index or template.index files. For further instructions concerning these files see Login user interface customization files - SSO.
Language changing links at the login pages
In order to make the new language choices available for the users, the web application customization templates must include the list of supported languages and names for creating links to these new languages. Web agents can still make requests for login pages in languages that are not defined in the templates, because the language lists in the customization templates only affect the user interface. If the customization template does not have the new language listed, the user will not have the ability to change to that language himself. Note that the default login template has a link to change the language to English only.
Extranet examples
Example configurations can be found on the Ubisecure IAM Extranet.
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