If your visual customization needs require more freedom than can be achieved using the CSS template properties, you may also write your own CSS file that will replace the default CSS definitions completely. 
Page structure is presented below to help in understanding the different elements:

 Page Structure

  • body
    • view
      • wrapper
        • header
          • logoarea
          • headertools
            • locales
            • exit
          • headertoolsend
        • bodycontent
          • general
            • intro
              • introtitle
              • introtext
            • help
              • helptitle
              • helptext
              • helplinks
          • signin
            • login
              • logintitle
              • logintext
              • loginitemlist
                • loginitem*
                  • loginbutton*
                  • loginbuttons*
                • loginitemheading*
            • external
              • externaltitle
              • externaltext
              • loginitemlist**
          • bodybottom
        • footer
          • legal

* = may contain in any order 
** = same structure as in login

A common reason to use your own CSS file is to enable the use of images as links for external authentication methods. Authentication method links will be contained in a span-element. That element includes a class definition. The value of that class definition is the name of the authentication method. You can use that class in your own CSS file but remember to escape any '.' characters using the escape character ('{}') in front of them.

JSP Files

If even making your own CSS file does not give you the possibilities required to customize the login screens according to your needs then the last and least supported option to make your own customization is to use your own JSP files. If you decide to write your own versions of the JSP files then you need to be prepared to make the same modifications to the default JSP files every time you update the version of Ubisecure SSO. This customization option provides the possibility to make any kinds of customizations but please consult Ubisecure IAM Support before using this customization option.