Manage Directory Services

Creating a new Directory Service

New Directory Service is created by clicking the "New Service..." button in the Services list screen.

Figure 1: Services list

Set the name and the type of the new Directory Service in the "Create Directory Service Configuration" screen .

Figure 2: Directory Service creation screen
TitleTitle gives a name for the directory service.
Select pre-definedA pre-defined configuration can be selected from the "Select pre-defined" drop-down menu.
Directory FactoryThe implementor of the DirectoryFactory interface of Directory SPI. Once the directory configuration has been created, the directory factory cannot be changed. The contents of this field will be generated automatically based on the selection made with the "Select pre-defined" drop-down menu.
Directory Schema (LDAP)This is the name of the directory schema. The contents of this field will be generated automatically based on the selection made with the "Select pre-defined" drop-down menu and changes to this value should not be made.
DescriptionDescription can be used to describe what kind of service we are dealing with.

Enter the details for the new Directory Service in the "Service Configuration" screen

Figure 3: Directory Service editor
TitleThe name of the directory service.
DescriptionDescribes what the directory is.
Directory FactoryShows the implementor of the DirectoryFactory interface of Directory SPI. Once the directory configuration has been created, the directory factory cannot be changed.
Directory SchemaThe name of the directory schema.
Service URLThe connection URL to the directory.
UsernameUser that is used to connect to the directory. In some cases, it's not necessary to configure user, e.g., when using integrated Windows authentication with SQL Server database.
CredentialsThe credentials used to connect to the directory. In some cases, it is not necessary to configure credentials, e.g., when using integrated Windows authentication with SQL Server database. Once a credential is set, it is no longer visible.
Configuration StringA text area that allows to set name-value properties to the directory. Not all the properties of directories have their own text field editor in the management UI and then the configuration string is used. The format of this field is one "name = value" pair per line. If the editor recognizes that a property given through this text area has a editor field of its own, it puts the value there and removes it from the text area.

Selecting the Directory Service for an Authentication Method

To select a directory for an authentication method, use the Methods context menu under the Services menu. Note that an authentication method can only have single directory, so make sure that it doesn't already have one configured when selecting directory for it.