Using reverse proxy with CertAP

By default Two-way SSL is used. In this configuration the certificate is provided to the server in the Two-way SSL authentication. If reverse proxy is used this method cannot be applied and the identifying certificate must brought to the Certificate AP in the http header. In order to use the reverse proxy configuration, execute the following steps: 

cd /d "C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\ubilogin-certap\certap"
copy config\tomcat\conf-proxy\server.xml custom\tomcat\config\tomcat\update.cmd

The above commands change the server.xml that is being used. The new server.xml specifies that the identifying certificate the client provides to the Certificate AP is not to be acquired via SSL authentication but in the http header with attribute X509Data.

The reverse proxy used must also be configured in such a way that the certificate is passed in the http header as the X509Data attribute.

An example of a http request passed to the Certificate AP from a reverse proxy where the certificate is found in the http header:

/certap/saml2/SingleSignOnService?SAMLRequest=fZFRb8IgFIXf9ysa3i2FWq3E1pgYE5MtS9ZtD3tZKFIla4FxqXH%2Fftjpoi8mvMC9597zHeaLY9dGB%2BlAGV0gEicoklqYrdK7Ar29rkc5WpQPc%%3D&locale=en HTTP/1.1


Modifying the PKI Policy

By default, the same PKI policy is used for all service providers (each authentication method instance in UAS is a SAML service provider). The policy is located in certap/webapp/WEB-INF/uap/pki/policy.xml.

An example PKI policy is shown below. Trusted issuers are defined in the Trust elements enclosed in a PKI element. In this example, a base64-encoded certificate of the issuer of the HST certificates is introduced. Consequently, all the HST certificates are accepted as valid user credentials. The corresponding CRL distribution point is defined in the crl attribute. The CRL may be either in LDAP form with a query statement, or a HTTP address. Optionally OCSP Server can be used instead of CRL, and configured in OCSP attribute uri.

Other trusted issuers may be added by defining a new Trust element for each trusted issuer.

The user's certificate is defined to be included in a SAML assertion by defining the Subject element's KeyInfoConfirmationData attribute as true. User's certificate is required by UAS to be able to perform a satu-hetu transformation in case of HST certificates. It may be omitted if the HST certificates are not used or if there is no need for the user's hetu.

Attributes to be sent to UAS are defined in the Attribute element. The name of the attribute is defined in the name attribute of the Add element. The content of the attribute is defined in the enclosed elements. In this example, three different attributes are defined. The username attribute is defined as a sha-1 digest (fingerprint) of the certificate. The username.dn attribute is defined as the subject-field of the certificate. The satu attribute is defined as the certificate subject-field's component with oid, which is satu in case of HST certificates.

All of the defined attributes must be found in the certificate. Otherwise authentication fails. Please refer to page Using reverse proxy with CertAP for more information about possible attribute values.

Listing 2. Example policy.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?><Policy xmlns="">  <PKI>    <!-- VRK Gov. CA for Citizen Qualified Certificates -->
    <!-- CRL distribution point URL and trusted issuer's base64-encoded certificate -->    <Trust crl="ldap://,ou%3dValtion%20kansalaisvarmenteet,o%3dVaestorekisterikeskus%20CA,dmdName%3dFINEID,c%3dFI?certificateRevocationList??objectClass=cRLDistributionPoint">      MIIFjDCCBHSgAwIBAgIDAYiZMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMIGjMQswCQYDVQQGEwJG
  </PKI>  <!-- Add certificate to saml assertion -->
  <Subject KeyInfoConfirmationData="true"/>  <!-- Add attributes to saml assertion -->
  <Attributes>    <!-- SHA-1 fingerprint -->
    <Add name="username">
        <Digest source="subject" algorithm="sha1" />
    </Add>    <!-- Subject's distinguished name -->
    <Add name="username.dn">
      <Field source="subject"/>
    </Add>    <!-- Attribute (satu in HST-certificates) -->
    <Add name="satu">
      <Attribute source="subject" oid=""/>
    </Add>  </Attributes></Policy>

Listing 3. Example policy.xml, using OCSP server
 <Policy xmlns="">
        <!-- GlobalSign PersonalSign 2 CA - G2 -->
        <OCSP uri="" />