SQL integration - Scripts for tables and views
SQL integration - Scripts for tables and views
Former user (Deleted)
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
Tables and views | Script |
Create the database | Show script USE [master] GO IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = N'directory-spi-sql') DROP DATABASE [directory-spi-sql] GO USE [master] GO CREATE DATABASE [directory-spi-sql] GO ALTER DATABASE [directory-spi-sql] SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = 90 GO |
Create Users -table | Show script USE [directory-spi-sql]; IF OBJECT_ID('History') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE History; IF OBJECT_ID('Users') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE Users; IF OBJECT_ID('Terms') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE Terms; GO CREATE TABLE Users( uid nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, userpassword nvarchar(max), lastlogontime datetime, badlogoncount int, badlogontime datetime, credentialslastset datetime, cantchangecredentials bit, dontexpirecredentials bit, enabled bit, notbefore datetime, notonorafter datetime, mail nvarchar(max), mobile nvarchar(max), givenname nvarchar(max), surname nvarchar(max), displayname nvarchar(max), statustext nvarchar(max), CONSTRAINT PK_Users PRIMARY KEY ( uid ) ); CREATE TABLE History( uid nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, timestamp datetime, userpassword nvarchar(max) ); CREATE TABLE Terms( uid nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, mustaccept bit, accepted datetime ); |
Create Attributes -table | Show script USE [directory-spi-sql]; IF OBJECT_ID('Attributes') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE Attributes; CREATE TABLE Attributes( uid nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, value nvarchar(255), policy nvarchar(255) ); |
Create UbiloginAccountStatus -view | Show script USE [directory-spi-sql]; IF OBJECT_ID('UbiloginAccountStatus') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW UbiloginAccountStatus; GO CREATE VIEW UbiloginAccountStatus AS SELECT uid AS login, uid AS uniqueid, ISNULL(enabled, 1) AS enabled, badlogoncount, DATEDIFF(SECOND, badlogontime, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AS badlogonage, CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(YEAR, credentialslastset, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)<68 THEN DATEDIFF(SECOND, credentialslastset, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) END AS credentialsage, ISNULL(dontexpirecredentials, 0) AS dontexpirecredentials, ISNULL(cantchangecredentials, 0) AS cantchangecredentials, CASE WHEN CAST(credentialslastset AS INT)=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS mustchangecredentials, mail, mobile, statustext FROM Users; |
Create UbiloginAttributes -view | Show script USE [directory-spi-sql]; IF OBJECT_ID('UbiloginAttributes') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW UbiloginAttributes; GO CREATE VIEW UbiloginAttributes AS SELECT uid AS uniqueid, 'mail' AS attributename, mail AS attributevalue FROM Users WHERE mail IS NOT NULL; |
Create UbiloginPassword -view | Show script USE [directory-spi-sql]; IF OBJECT_ID('UbiloginPassword') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW UbiloginPassword; GO CREATE VIEW UbiloginPassword AS SELECT uid AS uniqueid, userpassword, badlogoncount, badlogontime, lastlogontime, credentialslastset FROM Users; |
Create UbiloginPasswordHistory -view | Show script USE [directory-spi-sql]; IF OBJECT_ID('UbiloginPasswordHistory') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW UbiloginPasswordHistory; GO CREATE VIEW UbiloginPasswordHistory AS SELECT uid AS uniqueid, timestamp, userpassword FROM History; |
Create UbiloginTerms -view | Show script USE [directory-spi-sql]; IF OBJECT_ID('UbiloginTerms') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW UbiloginTerms; GO CREATE VIEW UbiloginTerms AS SELECT uid AS uniqueid, CASE WHEN mustaccept=1 AND accepted IS NULL THEN 1 END AS mustaccept, accepted FROM Terms; |
Create UbiloginAuthorizer –view | Show script USE [directory-spi-sql]; IF OBJECT_ID('UbiloginAuthorizer') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW UbiloginAuthorizer; GO CREATE VIEW UbiloginAuthorizer AS SELECT uid AS uniqueid, 'uid' AS name, uid AS value, null AS friendlyname, null AS nameformat, null AS policyid FROM Users UNION SELECT uid AS uniqueid, 'mobile' AS name, mobile AS value, null AS friendlyname, null AS nameformat, null AS policyid FROM Users UNION SELECT uid AS uniqueid, name AS name, value AS value, null AS friendlyname, null AS nameformat, policy AS policyid FROM Attributes; |
Create Procedures | Show script USE [directory-spi-sql]; IF OBJECT_ID('AuditLogonSuccess') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE AuditLogonSuccess; GO IF OBJECT_ID('AuditLogonFailure') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE AuditLogonFailure; GO IF OBJECT_ID('CredentialsChange') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE CredentialsChange; GO IF OBJECT_ID('CredentialsReset') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE CredentialsReset; GO IF OBJECT_ID('CredentialsHistory') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE CredentialsHistory; GO IF OBJECT_ID('AuditTermsAccepted') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE AuditTermsAccepted; GO CREATE PROCEDURE AuditLogonSuccess ( @uniqueid nvarchar(255) ) AS UPDATE UbiloginPassword SET badlogoncount=NULL, badlogontime=NULL, lastlogontime=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE uniqueid=@uniqueid; GO CREATE PROCEDURE AuditLogonFailure ( @uniqueid nvarchar(255), @lockoutthreshold int, @lockoutduration int ) AS UPDATE UbiloginPassword SET badlogontime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, badlogoncount = CASE WHEN badlogoncount > 0 THEN badlogoncount + 1 ELSE 1 END WHERE uniqueid=@uniqueid; GO CREATE PROCEDURE CredentialsHistory ( @uniqueid nvarchar(255), @userpassword nvarchar(max), @historycount int ) AS IF @historycount IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO UbiloginPasswordHistory (uniqueid,timestamp,userpassword) VALUES (@uniqueid,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,@userpassword); DELETE FROM UbiloginPasswordHistory WHERE uniqueid=@uniqueid AND timestamp NOT IN ( SELECT TOP(@historycount) timestamp FROM UbiloginPasswordHistory WHERE uniqueid=@uniqueid ORDER BY timestamp DESC ); END; GO CREATE PROCEDURE CredentialsChange ( @uniqueid nvarchar(255), @userpassword nvarchar(max), @historycount int ) AS IF @historycount IS NOT NULL BEGIN EXEC CredentialsHistory @uniqueid,@userpassword,@historyCount; END; UPDATE UbiloginPassword SET badlogoncount=NULL, badlogontime=NULL, lastlogontime=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, credentialslastset=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, userpassword=@userpassword WHERE uniqueid=@uniqueid; GO CREATE PROCEDURE CredentialsReset ( @uniqueid nvarchar(255), @userpassword nvarchar(max), @historycount int ) AS IF @historycount IS NOT NULL BEGIN EXEC CredentialsHistory @uniqueid,@userpassword,@historyCount; END; UPDATE UbiloginPassword SET badlogoncount=NULL, badlogontime=NULL, credentialslastset=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, userpassword=@userpassword WHERE uniqueid=@uniqueid; GO CREATE PROCEDURE AuditTermsAccepted ( @uniqueid nvarchar(255), @accepted bit ) AS IF @accepted = 1 BEGIN UPDATE UbiloginTerms SET accepted=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE uniqueid=@uniqueid; END; GO |
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