Configuring TUPAS Emulator
Configuring TUPAS Emulator
Configure TUPAS Emulator by editing the configuration file tupas.properties
If you configure TUPAS Emulator after it has been deployed to your application server, your TUPAS Emulator has to be deployed again to make the configuration changes take effect. For more information about deploying TUPAS Emulator, please refer to chapter Deployment in Installation.
Service provider-secret pairs
Configure one service provider by defining a new line with the following format:
Configuring a new service provider
= service provider ID[mackey]
= secret key
Example of service provider – secret pair
User settings
Configuring user account
Configure a user account by defining four lines with the following format
Configuring a new user account
[custnum].password=[password] [custnum].custid=[custid] [custnum].custtype=[custtype] [custnum].custname=[custname]
Variable | Definition |
[custnum] | User name to log in with TUPAS Emulator authentication |
[password] | User password to log in with TUPAS Emulator authentication |
[custid] | User identity number or business ID. Field #8 in TUPAS2 specification reply message. |
[custtype] | User identity type, Type 01 means identity number and type 03 means business ID. |
[custname] | User name with clear text. Field #5 in TUPAS2 specification reply message. |
TUPAS2 specification can be found from http://www.pankkiyhdistys.fi.
Example of user settings
123456.password=7890 123456.custid=012345-678D 123456.custtype=01 123456.custname=Test User
Default user
By configuring default user, the user name and password will be already set in login page.
Example of configuring default user
# default user and password user.default=123456 password.default=7890