Testing CertAP with pkipolicy.jar

For testing, in folder webapps/certap/WEB-INF/lib/ there is file named sso-pkipolicy-<version>-standalone.jar (abbreviated to pkipolicy.jar in this page) which can be used.

There are two purposes for pkipolicy.jar:

  • Be a part of multiple softwares, for example SSO and CertAP, when ceftificate validities are verified.
  • Command line tool to test certificate configurations.

Supported commands for pkipolicy.jar are described in the table below:

java -jar pkipolicy.jarLists commands usable with pkipolicy.jar
java -jar pkipolicy.jar -list policy.xmlLists trusted root certificates in policy.xml
java -jar pkipolicy.jar -crl policy.xmlLists CRLs used by policy.xml
java -jar pkipolicy.jar "clientcert.crt" policy.xmlCheck if clientcert.crt is trusted