Two node slave WildFly configuration on Windows - CustomerID

Two node slave WildFly configuration on Windows - CustomerID

Configuring the WildFly Slave

To perform this step, you will have done the preceeding steps on the Master Node and copied over the %PROGRAM_FILES%\Ubisecure\customerid folder to the Slave Node. When this is done, copy the win32.config file from the master node and deposit it in the path %PROGRAM_FILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application\win32.config.

Modify the value proxy.local.url so it has the FQDN or IP address of this specific host, then perform the setup.cmd.

cd /D %PROGRAMFILES%\ubisecure\customerid\application
start notepad win32.config

When the previous script has finished, run the config-wildfly-domain-slave.cmd. This will transform the local domain installation to a slave node and connects it to the domain master that was configured earlier.

cd %PROGRAMFILES%\ubisecure\customerid\tools

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