Two node WildFly installation on Windows - CustomerID

Ubisecure SSO service needs to be stopped at this point if SSO is installed on the same server as CID and SSO is using port 8443.

net stop UbiloginServer

First, extract the WildFly distribution package and place it in %PROGRAMFILES%, so that the resulting home folder for WildFly becomes %PROGRAMFILES%\wildfly-x.x.x.Final. This folder will be referred to as %WILDFLY_HOME%.
Copy the docs\contrib\scripts\service folder to  %WILDFLY_HOME%\bin folder, so that the resulting path is %WILDFLY_HOME%\bin\service. 

set WILDFLY_HOME=%PROGRAMFILES%\wildfly-x.x.x.Final 
cd /D %WILDFLY_HOME%\bin
xcopy /SI ..\docs\contrib\scripts\service service

Use service.bat to install WildFly as a Windows Service.

WildFly uses Apache Procrun in order to run the application as a Windows service. If needed, you can verify the current Procrun settings from Windows Registry as advised here: (With the current WildFly version the print command is not available).

Master node

cd /D "%WILDFLY_HOME%\bin\service"
service.bat install /host

Slave node

cd /D "%WILDFLY_HOME%\bin\service"
service.bat install /host customerid-slave

About slave Windows service configuration and shutdown

The command above already specifies the becoming host name for the secondary node: customerid-slave. The host name will be changed in this step in the CustomerID two node installation:

If you need to shutdown Wildfly service before this step with the default name (master) you need to use JBoss CLI:

Fix Slave Node shutdown parameters
cd /D "%WILDFLY_HOME%\bin
C:\Program Files\wildfly-x.x.x.Final\bin>jboss-cli.bat --connect --command=/host=master:shutdown
   "outcome" => "success",
   "result" => undefined

You can now start the WildFly service by opening the View Local Services functionality and locating WildFly server, right-clicking and selecting Start, or using the net start command:

Starting WildFly
net start wildfly

Uninstalling WildFly

In case you need to uninstall WildFly here are the instructions for it. To uninstall the service, invoke the service.bat with the uninstall parameter. 

If you need to uninstall WildFly on the secondary node, see the note above About slave Windows service configuration and shutdown.

net stop wildfly
cd /D "%WILDFLY_HOME%\bin\service"
service.bat uninstall

Then either delete the WildFly installation folder or backup it to a different location.