Change log - CustomerID

Ubisecure CustomerID 5.x.x

Ubisecure CustomerID 5.2.18


  • IDS-654: Fixed duplicate user check based on SSN in registrations

Ubisecure CustomerID 5.2.17


  • IDS-634: Fixed an error with confirmation functionality in registrations
  • IDS-566: Fixed REST call GET106 List Organizations for organizations that have no custom attributes 

Ubisecure CustomerID 5.2.16


  • IDS-581: Fixed potential error situation with logging
  • IDS-601: Fixed erronous sending of multiple data confirmation notifications

Ubisecure CustomerID 5.2.15


  • IDS-550: Performance improvement for user search

Ubisecure CustomerID 5.2.14


  • IDS-440: Performance improvement for role approvals in approval tabs


  • IDS-458: Password change related feedback messages have been fixed

Ubisecure CustomerID 5.2.12

New Features


  • IAM-2709: User search now checks that all inputs match search results
  • IAM-2077, IAM-1247: CustomerID workers have been separated from the main EAR
  • IAM-2665: Domain whitelisting for CSRF check
  • IAM-2705: Configurable favicon
  • IAM-2833: Unicode support for built-in email address format validator
  • IAM-718: User status can be defined in a human readable way in REST filters
  • IAM-2284: Organization path is visible in summary step when inviting user to multiple roles


  • IAM-2711, IAM-2744: Possible problems with role invitation to existing user fixed
  • IAM-2671: Fixed rejecting role invitations to existing users
  • IAM-2687: Fixed name change when Active Directory is in use
  • IAM-2633: Fixed email notification concerning pending user approval
  • IAM-2636: Fixed unnecessary email renotification to pending user when user was waiting for approval
  • IAM-2888: Fixed predefined role requests
  • IAM-2896: Fixed organization removal in case there is an open role invitation for a new user
  • IAM-3018: Fixed unwanted built-in attribute mandatoriness

Ubisecure CustomerID 5.1.9

New Features

  • IAM-1986: Possibility to pass password value to backend call in registration summary step
  • IAM-2524: Password reset works for registered authentications without user having to have an SSN attribute
  • IAM-2354: Java information is logged when the system starts


  • Workers have been separated to their own EAR
  • Reorganization of some JARs


  • IAM-2064: Long organization names are no longer truncated in role add dialogue

Ubisecure CustomerID 5.1.5


  • New version of cid-sso-adapter that does not add duplicate libraries into Ubisecure SSO when it is installed.

Ubisecure CustomerID 5.1.4

New Features

  • IAM-2003: Authorizer and REST API provide more information concerning delegations
  • In an authorization policy you can use eidm:delegations, which lists role, mandate and mandatee organization for each delegation
  • GET115 and GET116 REST calls added


  • Performance improvements
  • IAM-1946: Updated WildFly version to 10.1.0.Final
  • IAM-2005: CSRF prevention checks added


  • IAM-1842: Modify operations targeted to current-user from backend now work for existing user
  • IAM-1947: Importtool saves locale to SQL
  • IAM-2035: Corrected a possible NullPointerException in a certain type of role invitation

Ubisecure CustomerID 5.0.x

New Features

  • CID-5: Database layer uses JPA and supports PostgreSQL
  • CID-11: There is a separate Derby to PostgreSQL migration package available to help updating to this version
  • CID-513: Summary step in registrations is now optional


  • Performance improvements
  • CID-90: CustomerID uses built-in WildFly (instead of Tomcat)
  • CID-112: CustomerID is packaged as an Enterprise Archive (EAR)
  • CID-89: CustomerID uses Java 8
  • CID-288: Updated Apache Wicket user interface framework version to 7.4.0
  • CID-482: CustomerID logging can be configured via WildFly also logging format structure has been improved


  • CID-726: Corrected situation where REST response sometimes included a -1 value in port number

Removed Features

  • CID-727: Removed organization group feature
  • CID-455: Removed network source address based restrictions from CID REST API
  • Back channel logout is no longer supported.

Ubisecure CustomerID 4.x.x

Ubisecure CustomerID 4.6.0


  • IAM-45: Notification about pending role reception approval is now sent to new user after successful registration
  • IAM-154: User interface handles long organization name in organization search results correctly
  • IAM-1182: REST password change validates given password against the configured password policy.

Ubisecure CustomerID 4.5.0

New Features

  • IAM-750: REST Query to list mandates received/sent by an organization/user


  • IAM-170: Invitation renotification email show correct links
  • IAM-899: Role invitation wizard changes. Mail template step removed.
  • IAM-921: Organization user list and search performance improved when listing users by roles
  • IAM-1111: Updating e-mail address works correctly in AD with long emails (>20 characters)
  • IAM-740: CID Lostpwd shows now actual login ID to user

Ubisecure CustomerID 4.4.1


  • IAM-944: Registration allows creation of duplicate users when SSN matches
  • IAM-949: When loginusernprincipalname is used as login then no new users can be created
  • IAM-971: Validators are not working on user approval
  • IAM-945: CID should not include client IP address in AuthnStatement/SubjectLocality in SAML AP requests

Ubisecure CustomerID 4.4.0

New Features

  • IAM-736: Organizations can be created with unique random string identifier automatically
  • IAM-794: Structured authorizer role information 
  • IAM-821: REST: Search organizations by using any attribute


  • IAM-909: User transfer from organization to another fails

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • IAM-747: Federation linking during registration workflow (UDF)
  • IAM-762: REST: search pending users by email


  • Performance improvements


  • IAM-775: Wrong language when transferring from registration to application
  • IAM-847: /eidm2/wf/changepwd operation based on temporary token instead of permanent one
  • IAM-260: REST: Creating ORG2ORG mandates fails

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • IAM-747: A new way to configure authentication method activation step in registrations. It is now possible to also activate (link) external authentication methods to the created user account.


  • IAM-738: Automatic role approvals after registration now work also for role invitations made using the REST-interface

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • IAM-725: Also pending users can now be searched via REST-interface

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • IAM-8: Registration workflow specific email text support
  • IAM-10: Top-level Approvals-tab is hidden in the admin user interface if user has no permissions to manage approvals
  • IAM-20: Email address confirmation is done at the user information wizard step in registrations (This is a change to the previous email address confirmation functionality)
  • IAM-38: Saml AP can be used with returnurl in registrations


  • IAM-48: TUPAS methods can be grouped in user driven federation
  • IAM-229: Locale field can now be used also in role invitation wizard


  • IAM-56: Mistyped email confirmation code no longer leads to an application error
  • IAM-39: In CustomerID Admin interface, organization name change now updates the view immediately
  • IAM-21: UI layout is no longer broken on approval tab (it was broken when using Firefox)
  • IAM-23: User custom attributes are saved when uniqueID attribute is used in user import
  • IAM-168: organization.class.default.restrictedRoleInvite no longer shows extra role in organization view

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • Product name has beed changed from Ubisecure CustomerID to GlobalSign CustomerID
  • Configurable validation for attribute values
  • User driven federation support
  • More mobile friendly user interface
  • Registration fields can be prefilled from authentication method attributes
  • EIDM-1340: Automatic generation of organization technical name
  • EIDM-1372: Delete User REST query by user ID
  • EIDM-1384: Second web agent for CustomerID
  • EIDM-1391: Return URL can be given for registrations as an URL parameter
  • EIDM-1401: Verification step in registrations can now support also other authentication methods than TUPAS
  • EIDM-1348: Role invitation information can be queried via REST using user ID Improvements
  • Attribute validation is performed also for REST calls
  • Several performance improvements concerning large user amounts
  • EIDM-1349: Update user REST call can be used also for pending users
  • EIDM-1350: Query user REST call can be made based on user ID
  • EIDM-1351: Update user REST call can be made based on user ID
  • EIDM-1373: Listing users via REST can use any attribute for filtering results
  • EIDM-1374: Query Role REST call can be made based on role ID


  • EIDM-173: Bank authentication (TUPAS) method name, title, and logo are now configurable
  • EIDM-572: Password change error messages are no longer duplicated
  • EIDM-598: An unknown TUPAS method in the properties does not present an exception in the browser
  • EIDM-618: Long information does not break the registration confirmation step display
  • EIDM-859: We will correctly report an error message if someone tries to create a sub organization that has the same name as a role in the parent organization
  • EIDM-920: Database update is now quicker
  • EIDM-991: Approval does not close if mandatory fields are left empty when approving
  • EIDM-1198: Removing multiple users is now quicker
  • EIDM-1204: Organization filtering is now quicker
  • EIDM-1255: Users imported with unique ID defined now get proper status
  • EIDM-1267: Custom usernames can now have validation via the new validation configuration option
  • EIDM-1294: Documentation updated concerning removed email.corporateRegisterEmail.message key from mail message configuration
  • EIDM-1377: Password change wizard now only sends the correct email message instead of two different messages
  • EIDM-1379: Verification now works also in protected registrations
  • EIDM-1381: Welcome message is sent for new user after create user wizard also when email confirmation is not required
  • EIDM-1383: Password change now only sends the correct email message and not two different ones
  • EIDM-1386: Reminder message about user registration is now sent correctly
  • EIDM-1392: Corrected possible problems with registration.x.temporary.fields
  • EIDM-1394: Changing language on registration no longer skips backend query
  • EIDM-1397: Pending password change expiration no longer deletes the registered user
  • EIDM-1403: Role add step can now be hidden from create user wizard
  • EIDM-1420: User CN information is now updated correctly also to the SQL database
  • EIDM-1421: Corrections to SSN uniqueness validation

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • EIDM-1292: Mandate delegation based on user organization membership via received role
  • EIDM-1322: Support for XSLT in connection with backend query responses


  • EIDM-1004: Suport for a separate validation code in the email message concerning email address change
  • EIDM-1318: CustomerID backend query message format implementation
  • EIDM-1342: Jersey upgrade (from 1.1x to 2.5.1)


  • EIDM-1285: Mandate delegation and removal is now logged to audit logfile
  • EIDM-1311: Deleting organization now works even if there are pending mandates
  • EIDM-1328: Logout corrected in case saml.custid.ap has an active session in SSO
  • EIDM-1337: Role invite expire does not cause an error
  • EIDM-1338: Person mandate to new user does not anymore create a duplicate pending user when there already is a pending user with same email address
  • EIDM-1343: Empty or whitespace-only string as a result from backend query does not cause problems with parameter evaluation

Ubisecure CustomerID 3.x.x

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • EIDM-1273: You can request predefined role sets from self-service
  • EIDM-1274: Registration workflow supports existing users


  • EIDM-1112: Robots.txt search engine hiding
  • EIDM-1225: Role specific approval in registrations
  • EIDM-1272: Creation of several organizations from multivalue registration fields
  • EIDM-1290: Ubisecure favicon
  • Link to Administration interface from self-service if the user has the necessary permissions


  • EIDM-1295: A problem related to role invitation renotifications has been corrected

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • EIDM-1257: Fixed role rejection count in the user interface in case email sending fails.
  • EIDM-1262: It is now possible to add roles also to disabled users.
  • EIDM-1275: Corrected character encoding handling when reading backend responses.
  • Nothing is automatically selected to the country list anymore.
  • Added missing permission to default permissions.
  • Removed erronous permission from default permissions.
  • Mandate delegation panel doesn't show pending users anymore.
  • Added missing Derby starting command to Linux installation scripts.
  • Corrected an erronous path in Linux uninstall script.
  • Unified uninstallation in Linux so that also the Derby service will be removed in uninstall script.
  • Now we accept ', ` and ´ characters in firstname and surname fields.
  • Minor country ordering issue has been fixed.
  • Improved out of the box authorizer support for SSO versions starting from 6.8.0.
  • Corrected country selector behavior in IE 7 and IE 8. (Note that we don't actually officially support IE 7. However in this case we did a fix for it.)
  • Removed extra HTML coding for certain characters that were included in backend request parameters.

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • EIDM-1210: Organization creation is ignored in registration workflow if the organization definition cannot be resolved
  • EIDM-1211: Role assign is ignored in registration workflow if the role definition cannot be resolved
  • EIDM-1212: Organization attributes may be stored separately in different organizations defined in the registration workflow configuration
  • EIDM-1251: Derby DB is started in a separate service


  • EIDM-1247: User contact information may be added to the role approval page
  • EIDM-1222: Java updated to 64bit Java 7


  • EIDM-1142: Special characters such as "!" in the REST password value no longer cause problems (for example when updating database)
  • EIDM-1228: It is again ok to send mandates to unregistered users when the mandate receiver approval is false
  • EIDM-1266: Custom attributes for user can be updated via REST

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • EIDM-1241: User information on self-service now works

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • EIDM-1100: REST operation for role invitation for existing user
  • EIDM-1116: REST operation for listing active role invitations
  • EIDM-1208: Configurable country data type
  • EIDM-1220: REST operation for creating pending user
  • EIDM-1244: New Backend call possible when registration wizard is finished
  • EIDM-1245: Optionally require printing before registration wizard can be sent.


  • EIDM-1223: Modify role.deassign permission for configuring role spesific deassignment

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • EIDM-913: Error with more than on pending user for same organization and organization is changed in approval
  • EIDM-1144: Add role might cause error when selecting another organization before role search is finished
  • EIDM-1174: Changing user attributes doesn't update breadcrumbs
  • EIDM-1187: Self-service password change removes pending password change requirement
  • EIDM-1209: User receives same email notification when he registers or changes his email, new key is: email.pendingEmailRegistration
  • EIDM-1216: user.delete permission not working at user action dropdown
  • Custom attributes are now supported in the role invitation wizard
  • Permissions are checked properly when deciding if to enable role assignment in the role action dropdown
  • Permissions are checked properly when deciding if to show user search results in the user selection step in the role assign wizard

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • EIDM-967: Selected attributes and values can be shown in the Self-Registration Confirmation wizard step
  • EIDM-1109: role.assign permissions can now be role spesific


  • EIDM-466: Possibility to authenticate registration backend query REST calls with HTTP BASIC Authentication
  • EIDM-969: Possibility to configure temporary registration fields (fields that are not stored in database)
  • EIDM-1039: More user friendly way of selecting users when adding a role to multiple users
  • EIDM-1052: Globally unselectable actions are no longer presented to the user
  • EIDM-1070: Removed unnecessary confirmation dialog when approving users
  • EIDM-1129: Performance improvements concerning mandates
  • EIDM-1154: Added information footer
  • EIDM-1189: More sophisticated configuration options for selecting UI messages from registration backend responses
  • EIDM-1190: Possibility to disable the back button in registrations


  • EIDM-529: Duplicate error message
  • EIDM-1107: Password change fails on AD if user is not active
  • EIDM-1145: Approval tab counter doesn't check permission
  • EIDM-1163: OTP Printout-method status is not shown correctly in Self-Service Interface
  • EIDM-1168: Organization's technical name is shown instead of FriedlyName when removing role
  • EIDM-1171: Changing user's password link in admin interface is not working

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • EIDM-978: Roles are not automatically approved for new user
  • EIDM-1089: Roleinvitation without organisation selection causes error
  • EIDM-1092: language change does not work when creating a mandate
  • EIDM-1102: CustomerID is not replying organization TechnicalName when REST get or delete function is used
  • EIDM-1105: Password change link is visible to user that has no rights to edit information
  • EIDM-1139: Role list when doing role request throws NPE when only one role would be shown
  • EIDM-1140: Create User-button is shown in virtual organizations
  • EIDM-1141: Received Mandates shows received roles with technical name

Corrections in earlier versions

  • EIDM-441: Change password page contains obsolete button
  • EIDM-1009: loginuppercase is not correct
  • EIDM-1010: Delegate mandate shows duplicate users
  • EIDM-1012: Create user fails if organization doesnt exists
  • EIDM-1013: Canceling registration fails to User not found with unique id: null
  • EIDM-1015: Error when user tries to change login that already exists

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • EIDM-927: REST API to support mandate management


  • EIDM-1000: Mandate listings is limited and a search functionality is implemented to find the rest of the entries
  • EIDM-1001: New permission for removing issued mandates from users in the Admin UI
  • EIDM-1002: Possibility to insert a user custom attribute into an email


  • EIDM-990: When selecting save or approval for an open approval, that approval is closed even if the operation failed
  • EIDM-1003: User approval should not be required if the creator of the user has permission rights to approve the user
  • EIDM-1094: workflow.roles.firstuser definition is applied if the user is the first one to have a role from the organization
  • EIDM-1095: Some attributes are not saved to SQL if user information is changed
  • EIDM-1098: Role localized names and descriptions are now shown when removing roles from users
  • EIDM-1102: CustomerID is not replying organization TechnicalName when REST get or delete function is used

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • EIDM-986: Inform in UI if user or role listing has been limited
  • EIDM-942: Sampo Bank TUPAS method changed to Danske Bank
  • EIDM-988: Performance improvements concerning the add user wizard
  • EIDM-985: Performance improvements concerning user search
  • EIDM-987: Performance improvements concerning database and LDAP updates
  • EIDM-975: Organization selections lists changed to organization search in role invitation and role request wizards (This was made so that memory usage can be kept in reasonable limits with large databases)
  • Performance improvements concerning role listing
  • Performance improvements concerning approval listing
  • Performance improvements concerning organization search


  • EIDM-989: Issue count in the tab headings is now updated without delay in approval, role and mandate tab headings
  • EIDM-983: Approval reject popup now again closes after a successful reject operation

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • EIDM-936: Create user-function can create users directly under organization


  • EIDM-947: User search is based on SQL content instead of LDAP content
  • EIDM-948: Organization lists in workflows need to be changed to organization search


  • EIDM-935: Login-attribute uniqueness is not checked
  • EIDM-949: Registration workflow doesnt create virtual organizations

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • Organization's role listing can be configured to show sub-organizations
  • REST API response has xsd schema (cid-1.0.xsd)
  • REST response has changed for querying user and organization custom attributes


  • Improved functionality to handle erroneous objects created with Import Tool

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • Saving organization's company id in OID format fixed

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • Organization's role listing can be filtered with keywords


  • Approval page is faster to load
  • Organization's role listing is faster and more user friendly when there is a large amount of organizations


  • Corrected edit-permission in approval page

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • Self-Service UI has field specific permissions for viewing and editing user information
  • Admin UI has field specific permissions for viewing and editing user information
  • Admin UI has field specific permissions for viewing and editing organization information
  • Approval UI has field specific permissions for viewing and editing information
  • It is possible to add organization custom attributes to SAML messages from the organization in which the user is stored


  • REST returns custom attributes for organizations


  • Approval UI save functionality works if reject reason is required
  • Authorizer now includes the guava-11.0.2.jar library so that it does not need to be added separately

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • EIDM-868: It is now configurable if approval is required for received mandates or not
  • EIDM-750: Administrator is able to add roles to multiple users in one workflow
  • Administrator is able to remove roles from multiple users in one workflow
  • Administrator is able to invite multiple users to roles in one workflow
  • Administrator is able to remove multiple users at the same time
  • Administrator is able to remove multiple roles from an organization
  • Administrator is able to approve/reject multiple users at the same time
  • Administrator is able to approve/reject multiple role invitations at the same time
  • It is now configurable if the organization name should be in the Finnish company id format when targeting mandates to organizations


  • EIDM-749: User approval request is validated before approving user
  • EIDM-870: User status is shown when requesting user information via the REST-interface 
  • User approval request can be saved without giving all the required information
  • Delegating mandates to large number of users is faster
  • Listing organizations is faster
  • Listing organizations' users is faster


  • EIDM-856: Organization custom attributes can be used in registration and approval page
  • New organizations are shown correctly in approval page
  • User's email confirmation is shown correctly in approval page

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • Fixed selecting user's organization in create user workflow
  • Generation of invalid login value in self-registration and create user workflows

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • Email messages support user's attributes as parameters
  • Create User workflow supports custom attributes
  • Create User workflow supports features from self-registration, configuring create user workflows has changed
  • Usability improvements in organization listings and search user interfaces
  • REST now supports reseting the Derby database


  • Update methods -command creates derby object for all organizations
  • Mobile confirmation field can be set to disabled
  • Creating deep organization additions now works in registrations
  • Corrected a few serialization errors
  • Corrected handling of comma characters (",") in attributes

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • Support for custom attributes in ImportTool


  • Organization's technical name can be shown in organization's information listing
  • Organization class editing is done using a drop-down list

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • Custom attributes can be saved to CustomerID internal database
  • CustomerID Authorizer supports transmitting custom attributes in SAML messages (SSO version 6.3.1 is required)
  • User's attributes that are shown in Approval UI can be configured
  • User's attributes that are editable in Approval UI can be configured
  • Approver is able to edit and save user approval request
  • Approver is able ot edit user's roles in Approval UI
  • Approver is able to insert free text for the reject message
  • Approver is able to identify if organization is new or existing one
  • User's attributes that are shown in Self-Service UI can be configured
  • User's attributes that are shown in Admin User UI can be configured
  • Organization's attributes that are shown in Organization UI can be configured
  • Tomcat version updated to 7.0.26
  • Derby database version updated to
  • Wicket version updated to 1.4.19
  • Java version updated to 1.6.0_31


  • CustomerID internal database is started in CustomerID Server (service is removed)


  • CustomerID Authorizer returns inherited roles in Active Directory

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • Search for organizations


  • Improved support for large number of organizations
  • Separate list for pending registration invitations


  • Email notifications were not sent for role invitations that required the approval of a newly registered user
  • Information updating problem when changing the email address of the invited person in role invitations

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • Modified organization configuration in registration

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • EIDM-763: Custom attribute values can be stored encrypted
  • EIDM-771: Registration workflow configuration changes: user organization definition, additional organization creation, role assignment
  • User information can be exported in CSV format through REST API. Command line tool is alsoprovided
  • UI language codes can be selected as a presentation language in development mode


  • EIDM-802: Role visibility defined mainly by role.listusers instead of permission
  • Removed unnecessary version information printout from HTML header
  • User export now includes user password if ubilogin directory is used as a user repository


  • Role deassignment permission was based on user organization. Now it is based on role organization
  • Role invitation registration required always approval. Now approval is required based on workflow configuration

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • EIDM-769: Configurable user details in role invitation
  • EIDM-767: Customizable error page for registration


  • EIDM-789: Remove admin.user.delete.enabled property


  • EIDM-793: Unexpected error when browsing organization
  • EIDM-796: eIDMUser-role is not added when creating user through REST interface

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • EIDM-762: Two phase user information input in registration wizard
  • EIDM-764: Support for error messages based on backend query results
  • EIDM-765: Backend connection for requesting user information in registration
  • EIDM-768: Custom attribute storing to LDAP/AD attributes
  • EIDM-772: Validation for SSN in TUPAS-authentication
  • EIDM-790: SSN field is now handled as a custom attribute


  • EIDM-780: Removal of roleinvite.enabled property
  • EIDM-781: Removal of addrole.enabled property
  • EIDM-785: Removal of createuser.enabled property
  • EIDM-788: Creating a new user using the REST interface automatically assigns user to the eIDMUser group


  • Listing large number of users fails in OpenLDAP with Protocol Error

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • Email duplicate check was not included when companyAndCustomerId field was used in registrations
  • Email duplicate check did not allow registrations based on mandate invitation

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • The role selection popup in add role functionality did not work in certain situations

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • Email duplicate check did not include pending registrations
  • Insufficient role linkage in certain registrations

Ubisecure CustomerID


  • Role member listing did not contain mandate delegates in REST API
  • Session serialization contained errors

Ubisecure CustomerID

New Features

  • EIDM-774: User is able to give companyId in registration without backend support
  • EIDM-577: Support for storing Finnish company IDs in OID format but presenting them in human readable format in the UI


  • EIDM-558: Tupas authentication to be not required again when accessing the service directly after registration
  • EIDM-578: Parent level support for permissions
  • EIDM-733: Whitespaces should be removed from customerId-field


  • EIDM-576: Friendly Name field should support characters: '/', '(' and ')'
  • EIDM-581: SSN is not saved if registration uses both Tupas and email verification
  • EIDM-662: When user accesses mail/phone number editing with a direct link to self-service, accessing roles tab after that gives an error message
  • EIDM-665: Return link is broken for users who have access only to one organization
  • EIDM-671: When login takes too long, SAML Expiration exception is shown to the user
  • EIDM-709: User doesn't see pending approvals in approval page even when he was the one inviting the pending user
  • EIDM-712: Error in first sign on after a single logout
  • EIDM-718: Role tab is broken after user confirm email change
  • EIDM-726: Mobile number validator should accept dashes and spaces but remove them
  • EIDM-727: In changing user's organization, virtual organizations are listed
  • EIDM-731: User approval request emails not sent if there is no organization main user
  • EIDM-736: Organization name field too long for background when using IE8
  • EIDM-738: SSN saved even if configured otherwise
  • EIDM-777: Null pointer exception if Tupas configuration file is missing