External authentication method grouping properties

External authentication method grouping properties

  • methodgroups
     → This property defines the group id values for all method groups. The id values are separated using the comma (',') character. Other template property key values cannot be used as id values for groups. Requires Ubisecure SSO version 6.1.0 or higher.

Example: methodgroups = agroup, bgroup
Method group titles are defined in the custom/messages/uas_<locale>.properties and/or custom/messages/uas.properties files. For more information, please see page Internationalization of the authentication method group titles.

  • <group id>.members
     → These properties define the external authentication methods that belong to the specified group. The methods are entered as a comma separated list. Requires Ubisecure SSO version 6.1.0 or higher.

Example: agroup.members = tupas.alandsbanken.1, tupas.handelsbanken.1, tupas.op.1, \ tupas.nordea.1, tupas.sampo.1, tupas.spankki.1, tupas.sppop.1, tupas.tapiola.1