"The password can not be reset at this time" Error in password-reset application for CustomerID User

"The password can not be reset at this time" Error in password-reset application for CustomerID User

“Please note that the information in this Knowledge Base article is provided "as is" and has been created only for SSO version 8.9.4 and CustomerID version 5.9.0.

These instructions have not undergone extensive testing or verification by our Engineering team. While this article offers valuable insights, it may not guarantee solution that work flawlessly with your specific Identity Server environment and configuration.

Please contact your Ubisecure partner and/or Ubisecure Support team to get more information what is the best approach to upgrade your specific environment.”


In password-reset application after adding an email address and clicking on submit button
The password can not be reset at this time” error is displayed.
This happens particularly for CustomerID users.

Error in Catalina logs -

error.disabled ; account=cn=xxxxxxx-92fe-4448-8880-622ff2864290,ou=Users,ou=eIDM Users,cn=Ubilogin,dc=test,dc=sso,dc=test1,dc=com Sep 13, 2022 12:38:25 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol pause

This problem occurs when allowed method’s in password-reset application have different authentication methods (password.1 or password.2 ) than the user’s authentication method.
e.g. If the user is CustomerID user, then the user is using the password.2 authentication method.
However, if the password reset has the password.1 method in Allowed Methods, then by default password-reset application link will use password.1 method for resetting passwords and as this user does not have the password.1 authentication method, the password reset application will throw an error saying “The password can not be reset at this time“.


  1. Go to SSO Management console → System → Password Reset → Allowed Methods

  2. Add password.2 in Allowed Methods for Password Reset application and remove password.1 from Allowed Methods for Password Reset application.


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