CertAP - client side CRL failover - SSO
Typically a CRL service is clustered at the network level using LDAP or a clustered HTTP CRL. In special cases, if an LDAP CRL service is not clustered in a failsafe manner, client side failover can be enabled and used. The end result is shown below.
Figure 1. Certificate Authentication Provider with Client side LDAP CRL failover |
To enable the above configuration, use the model policy.xml
Ā file shown below in Listing 1. In the model configuration file, the CRL is stored at the addresses ldap://ldap1.fineid.fi:389
and ldap://ldap2.fineid.fi:389
. The trusted certificate root has been truncated in the example.
The setting "java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary
" forces the nominated attribute to be returned to binary format. This improves compatibility with older non-standard LDAP services, such as Netscape Directory Server 6.21, which does not by default return CRL information in binary format.
Client side failover of CRL lists as a HTTP resource is not supported. Use a standard configuration with standard HTTP load balancing techniques at the network level.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <Policy xmlns="http://ubisecure.com/schema/certagent.xsd"> <PKI> <Trust> MIIFjDCCBHSgAwIBAgIDAYiZMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMI///certificate truncated </Trust> <CRL uri="ldap://ldap.fineid.fi:389/cn%3dVRK%20CA%20for%20Test%20Purposes,ou%3dTestivarmenteet,o%3dVaestorekisterikeskus%20TEST,dmdName%3dFINEID,c%3dFI?certificateRevocationList??objectClass=cRLDistributionPoint"> <Property name="java.naming.factory.initial">com.ubisecure.util.ldap.jldap.JLDAP</Property> <Property name="java.naming.security.authentication">none</Property> <Property name="com.ubisecure.util.ldap.server.list">ldap://ldap1.fineid.fi:389 ldap://ldap2.fineid.fi:389</Property> <Property name="java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary">certificateRevocationList</Property> </CRL> </Trust> </PKI> <Subject KeyInfoConfirmationData="true"/> <Attributes> <Add name="username"> <Digest source="subject" algorithm="sha1" /> </Add> <Add name="username.dn"> <Field source="subject"/> </Add> <Add name="ais"> <Field source="subject" normalize="altSecurityIdentities"/> </Add> <Add name="satu"> <Attribute source="subject" oid=""/> </Add> <Add name="username.name"> <Concat> <Attribute source="subject" oid=""/> <Text content=" "/> <Attribute source="subject" oid=""/> </Concat> </Add> </Attributes> </Policy>