Two node upgrade on Windows - CustomerID
Two node upgrade process
If you are upgrading from a version lower than Ubisecure CustomerID 6.0, then please first upgrade the Two Node version from 5.x.x to at least Ubisecure CustomerID 6.0.
The idea is to set up a new two node system and to keep the current two node system as a backup.
Follow the steps in order. Issue all commands in Windows command prompt using the Administrator user account.
Perform once for the whole Ubisecure CustomerID cluster:
- Back up Ubisecure Directory. See instructions from Backup and restore Ubisecure Directory - SSO.
Perform on each Ubisecure CustomerID node:
- Unpack the distribution package. See instructions from Distribution package unpacking on Windows - CustomerID.
- Check Java. See instructions from Java check on Windows - CustomerID.
- Install WildFly. See instructions from Two node WildFly installation on Windows - CustomerID.
Perform once on CustomerID Master Node
- Extract the deployment template. See instructions from Deployment template extraction on Windows - CustomerID.
- Copy configuration files from old master to new, and setup.
- Transfer the following folder from the old master
C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\customerid\application\custom
to the new one under:C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\customerid\application
- Transfer the following file from the old master
C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\customerid\application\win32.config
to the new one in the same location - On the new master, go through each setting in
C:\Program Files\Ubisecure\customerid\application\win32.config
and compare to the configuration template for the new version inC:\Program Files\Ubisecure\customerid\application\config\win32.config
- Add settings missing from the previous version, refer to Setup template on Windows - CustomerID for existing options
- Check settings related to the versions of 3rd party software:
- Check and fix settings related to your environment where the new servers are going to replace the old ones, all the URLs, host names and IP addresses, especially:
, andwildfly.ip_addr.slave
Run setup script
cd /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\Ubisecure\customerid\application\" setup.cmd
- Transfer the following folder from the old master
- Prepare WildFly for domain configuration. See instructions from Two node WildFly preparation on Windows - CustomerID.
- Configure WildFly on CustomerID Master Node. See instructions from Two node master WildFly configuration on Windows - CustomerID
- Configure the singleton subsystem. See instuctions from Two node singleton subsystem configuration on Windows - CustomerID
Perform on CustomerID Slave Node:
- Transfer the installation folder from master node. See instructions from Two node installation folder transfer on Windows - CustomerID.
- Prepare WildFly for domain configuration. See instructions from Two node WildFly preparation on Windows - CustomerID.
- Configure WildFly on CustomerID Slave Node. See instructions from Two node slave WildFly configuration on Windows - CustomerID
Perform on PostgreSQL
- Perform database schema update depending on versions.
See Database Changes.
Perform once on CustomerID Master Node
- Create JDBC data source to WildFly. See instructions from Two node JDBC data source creation on Windows - CustomerID
- Create a Mail Session configuration for WildFly. See instructions from Two node mail session creation on Windows - CustomerID
- Configure logging for CustomerID. See instructions from Two node logging configuration on Windows - CustomerID
- Register "customerid.home" system property to WildFly. See instructions from WildFly system property registration on Windows - CustomerID
Perform on each Ubisecure SSO node:
- Upgrade PostgreSQL JDBC driver to SSO node(s). See instructions from PostgreSQL JDBC driver installation to SSO on Windows - CustomerID.
- Upgrade Ubisecure CustomerID SSO Adapter to SSO node(s). See instructions from CustomerID SSO Adapter extension upgrade.
Perform on the CustomerID Master Node
- Deploy the Ubisecure CustomerID applications. See instructions from Two node deployment to WildFly on Windows - CustomerID.
- Configure HTTPS, See Two node SSL configuration on Windows - CustomerID
Perform on each Ubisecure CustomerID node:
- Restart Ubisecure CustomerID on Master node first, then slave node. See instructions from Restart on Windows - CustomerID.
Perform on each Ubisecure SSO node:
- Restart Ubisecure SSO. See instructions from Installation related SSO restart on Windows - CustomerID.
- Move traffic to the new two node installation.
- Shutdown old two node system.
- Backup and remove old two node system.