Logging - SSO

Logging - SSO

Upgrade on Linux - SSO

SSO logging solution has been rewritten in version 9.1. If you need information about logging for the earlier versions, please check the documentation related to that particular release (e.g IDS 2020.1 or IDS 2021.2).

The main driver for renewing the logging solution in SSO v. 9.1.0 is to completely remove all log4j dependencies, which have been used by some of the SSO components up to SSO 9.0.

The renewed logging solution has the following features:

  • All Ubisecure SSO applications executed in the same Tomcat installation now share the same diagnostics log
    • Note: Prior to version 9.1.0, several separate log files were generated, with part of the logged events written to only Tomcat logs or to the console log
  • Log events in the SSO code-base are written using solely the SLF4J API which provides flexibility for future enhancements
  • Original separate logging configurations (log4j.properties, log4j2.xml) have been replaced with one single Logback configuration
  • All diagnostic log events now have consistent formatting, which facilitates troubleshooting and configuring custom log levels
  • Configuring log levels via the SSO Management UI based on diagnostic log entry type is supported the same way as in the earlier releases
  • Audit and statistics log events have exactly the same format as in the earlier releases

For technical details about the logging configuration, see Understanding SSO logger configuration.

For the differences between the new and old SSO logging solution and advises on how to migrate your custom configurations, see Logging migration guide.

Ubisecure SSO provides three types of logs:

  • Diagnostic log - utilised for troubleshooting configuration issues
  • Audit log - utilised for reviewing events that have occurred in the system
  • Statistics log - is identical to Audit log, except having all personal identifying information (PII) removed

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