Password application - SSO

NOTE: Starting with Ubisecure SSO version 8.3.0, the password application is recommended to be used only for changing known passwords. There is a separate Password Reset application for resetting forgotten passwords.

These pages describes how to install and configure an application to allow users to:

  • change their password securely
  • reset forgotten passwords

This guide covers the use of the application for Ubisecure Directory users. If an external user repository is used (LDAP or AD) please refer to the relevant External directory integration - SSO.

By default, this application is not enabled or fully configured. The reason for this is that many installations do not require password change or reset functionality. For example, if Ubisecure CustomerID is used in conjunction with Ubisecure SSO, password change and reset functionality is provided by the CustomerID application.


For successful integration, the following conditions should be met:

  • Ubisecure SSO is accessible with administrative privileges
  • Ubisecure installation directory is accessible

NOTE: The autocomplete feature of Password application forms is controlled by attribute autocomplete in the UI template. For more information please refer to Login user interface customization - SSO.

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