CustomerID 4.x Derby Collation

This is not required for new and fresh installations.

Without this change w and v letters are treated the same, as well as ‘-‘ and ‘_’. This will impact results of REST API calls.

  1. Backup the existing Derby-DB.
  2. Make the following changes/addition in CustomerID's configuration files.
  3. Add the following extra line in Win32.config file, under Derby configuration: derby.collation = TERRITORY_BASED:SECONDARY
  4. Edit …\customerid\template\config\db-derby\create_db.sql file as following:
    The original collation value:
    CONNECT 'jdbc:derby://;territory=@derby.locale@;collation=TERRITORY_BASED:PRIMARY;create=true;user=eidm;password=@derby.password@';

    NEW updated collation value:
    CONNECT 'jdbc:derby://;territory=@derby.locale@;collation=@derby.collation@;create=true;user=eidm;password=@derby.password@';
  5. Execute …\customerid\application \setup.cmd
  6. If this is an existing installation, export and import the data from Derby-DB using the instructions in CustomerID Installation and Upgrade.pdf -document, chapter 6.11.