Registration form fails after the confirm screen

Registration form fails after the confirm screen


The registration form works but when pressing confirm, the text “The system encountered an unexpected error” is shown on the screen and the diagnostics log contains the following lines:

Caused by: com.ubisecure.ubilogin.directory.spi.StatusException. INVALID: UNSPECIFIED:


2014-02-18 09:47:49,496;ERROR;Handling of a registration

failed.;com.ubisecure.eidm2.logic.exceptions.LogicException: Error finding account from directory ;REGISTER_WIZARD;a6d078bb6f06a659c27afb22bc6af9d8;15CAB834333EBECDE70DC6ACE6EFBE0C;N/A;211238-

022R;FAIL;ubidemo+yli@gmail.com;Liisa Yli-Hannuksela;;Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3;

WOW64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0;

2014-02-18 09:47:49,500;ERROR;unknownError;com.ubisecure.eidm2.logic.exceptions.LogicException:

Error finding account from directory

Caused by: com.ubisecure.ubilogin.directory.spi.StatusException: INVALID: UNSPECIFIED:



If the general.login.attribute is uid, the registration form must collect the user uid from the user on the form. To resolve, add the userid field to the registration form or change to using email as the user id:

  • general.login.attribute and directory.account.login must have the same value. 
    custom\eidm2.properties  → general.login.attribute = mail
    Home →  Services →  Configuration String →  directory.account.login=mail
  • Restart Ubisecure SSO and Ubisecure CustomerID after making these changes.