Custom Attribute not present in SAML response


Custom attribute defined in the authorisation policy is not returned in the SAML response message

When debug level logs are on , you can see blank value in logs e.g.  SSO - - - DEBUG name=test, expr=${eidm['userid']}, result=

In iam_diag.log you can see below error : 

2021-12-23 13:38:19,235 init Error: DataSource: CustomerID SQL: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL 'jdbc:postgresql://<CID Database Server>:5432/customeriddb'


Copy the postgresql-x.x.x.jar library included in the root folder of the CustomerID installation archive to the Ubisecure SSO server and copy it to the following folder: %JRE_HOME%\lib\ext, remove the previous postgresql-x.x.x.jar file.

Restart of java services is required after copying postgreSQL JDBC driver ( ubilogin-server.service and ubisecure-accounting.service ) 

See also PostgreSQL JDBC driver installation to SSO on Linux  / PostgreSQL JDBC driver installation to SSO on Windows

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