Search - SSO

Search - SSO


Ubisecure SSO Search is a utility for quickly finding objects that need to be frequently modified. Since Ubisecure SSO Search has global scope over the Ubisecure Directory , it is recommended to grant access only to administrators with system-permissions equalling those of the Search application.


Ubisecure SSO Search is configured during Ubisecure SSO installation. Relevant configuration files are search.activator and jndi.properties.

For details about these files, please refer to Management UI Applications - SSO and Sun's online documentation for Java Naming and Directory Interface, respectively.

User Interface

Initial view

Figure 1. Ubisecure SSO Search initial view

Ubisecure SSO Search initially searches for objectClasses described as "users", matching the given search string. Searches can be defined to match all or any of the entered keywords or sentences, which makes it possible to define, for instance, multiple userids to search for simultaneously. Empty search-strings are ignored – use "*" as the search-string to find all objects of the given type.

Select ObjectClass menu

This menu provides four alternatives to look for: User, Group, Application or Site.

Search for

Describe the objectClass to search for. Each searchstring can be a word, a partial word, or a sentence. Sentences are defined by enclosing the string within quotation marks.

Containing any / all of the specified words

This option allows selecting whether all of the words are required to exist within the attributes of the object searched for.


Initiates the search.


Closes the window. This can also be achieved by pressing the "Esc"-key.

Choosing from results

When any of the resulting rows are clicked, the referring window is redirected to a form that allows modification.

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