SAML Compatibility Flags

SAML Compatibility Flags


Which compatibility flags can be used for SAML messages?


Compatibility flags change default behaviour to support third-party systems. A list of compatibility flags for Ubisecure SSO 7.1 and SAML SP for Java 2.4.2 is (for older releases some of these might not be supported) presented below. Flags can be added for Ubisecure SSO and agents, multiple flags without comma like SigAlg ZLibHeader HttpPostResponseSign


Compatible with implementation using deflate compression with header


Compatible with implementation using incorrect SigAlg parameter values


HTTP-Post: Response is NOT signed (IdentityProvider)

The enclosed Assertion is signed


HTTP-Post: Response signature is NOT required (ServiceProvider)(interop with ADFS)

The enclosed Assertion MUST be signed


SOAP, SOAP/Artifact: Response is NOT signed (IdentityProvider)


SOAP, SOAP/Artifact: Response signature is NOT required (ServiceProvider)

The enclosed Assertion MUST be signed


SOAP/Artifact: ArtifactResponse is NOT signed (ServiceProvider)


SOAP/Artifact: ArtifactResponse signature is NOT required (IdentityProvider)


SOAP/Artifact: ArtifactResolve is NOT signed (ServiceProvider)


SOAP/Artifact: ArtifactResolve signature is NOT required (IdentityProvider)


AuthnRequest is NOT signed (ServiceProvider)


AuthnRequest signature is NOT required (IdentityProvider) - This allows receipt and processing of unsigned SAML requests. The registered SP metadata must not contain a <KeyDescriptor use="signing"> element.


HTTP-Post: Default value for WantAssertionsSigned is false (IdentityProvider)


Metadata: publish public key embedded in a X.509 certificate structure (IdentityProvider, ServiceProvider)


XML Encryption: use AES-256 algorithm while encrypting, default is AES-128


Response/Assertion: always sign SAML Assertion and embed signer certificate with signature  (IdentityProvider)


SubjectConfirmationData/@Recipient: leave Recipient unassigned (interop with WIF)


AuthenticationContext/DeclarationReference: leave DeclarationReference unassigned (interop with WIF)


RequestSecurityTokenResponse/RequestedSecurityToken/Assertion: use SAML 1.1 Token Type (interop with Sharepoint)


Use SHA-256 digest algorithm (interop w. ADFS)

Added to Method SAML tab to enable signing of AuthnRequest messages and AuthnResponse, SAML response using RSAwithSHA256 algorithm

Required for Suomi.fi authentication service


IDP-Proxy does NOT delegate AuthnRequest properties (IdentityProvider, ServiceProvider) (interop with ADFS)
For example, adding IdpProxyDelegate to the Method SAML tab will prevent sending of information about which actual application sent the original authentication request.


XML Encryption: embed recipient encryption certificate with encrypted message


Response/Assertion/Conditions/@notBefore: set conditions.notBefore to now() if not set otherwise(IdentityProvider)


Default profile, with back-channel features disabled.

Excludes: Artifact, SingleLogout/SOAP, AttributeService

Used to remove the requirement to open firewall connections for direct SP to IDP and IDP to SP conncetions.


IdP Lite or SP Lite mode

Excludes: ManageNameID, NameIDMapping, AttributeService endpoints from service


IdP Lite or SP Lite, with back-channel features disabled.

Excludes: Artifact, SingleLogout/SOAP, ManageNameID, NameIDMapping, AttributeService endpoints from service.

Used to remove the requirement to open firewall connections for direct SP to IDP and IDP to SP conncetions.

Disables attribute query for ServiceProvider


Forces sending AssertionConsumerServiceURL in an outbound SAML2 Authentication Request. Some services require this optional element.


Forces value urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified to AuthnContextClassRef in an outbound SAML2 Authentication Response. This is regardless of what might have been received in an inbound SAML2 Authentication Response. This improves compatibility with third-party applications and third-party identity providers which send different values than expected.

In all cases, negotiation between connected parties for agreed values for AuthnContextClassRef should be the first approach.

FinnishTrustNetwork (since SSO 8.3.4)

Forces sending the Finnish Trust Network SAML 2.0 Protocol Profile version 1.0 compliant SAML2 Extension ftn.

Currently supported extension tags:

  • lg

        By Setting this flag (ServiceProvider):

  • The <saml2p:AuthnRequest> message will contain a <saml2p:NameIDPolicy> element with an AllowCreate attribute of "true" when SSO sends the authentication request to a SAML IDP.
  • It will be set to <urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient>

DisableUsernameUserMapping (since 8.4.1)

Disables UsernameUserMapping if otherwise enabled. Can be set for server or method.

EnableUsernameUserMapping (since 8.4.1)

Enables UsernameUserMapping if otherwise disabled. Can be set for server or method.

Default in versions up to 8.4.X.

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