TOTP Secret Reset button is disabled

If you have TOTP authentication method configured to use Ubilogin Directory and you are using user who only has password.2 and TOTP authentication method, you see Generate new Secrete: Reset button disabled for the TOTP method. 


When trying to set secret for user for TOTP authentication method, reset button and fields are disabled. 



Verify directory linked to TOTP authentication method in global method settings. It should be the directory where user account resides. e.g. To use TOTP authentication method for CustomerID users, you need to use CustomerID Directory in Directory Selection as all eIDM Users are present in CustomerID directory.

  1. Go to SSO Management - Services and choose directory where user account resides
  2. Click on connected methods and select totp method.
  3. Restart Ubilogin server
  4. In Global method settings, click on totp method and it should look like below :
    TOTP Method Setting

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