Identity Cloud service instance endpoints

Identity Cloud service instance endpoints

Your Identity Cloud service instance is identified by its custom_name.

The custom name must be unique and may contain only lower case letters (a-z) or digits (0-9). Underscore (_) or hyphen (-) cannot be used.

IP address

Ubisecure will assign a public IP address for your Identity Cloud service instance:

  • Your service endpoint public IP address (provided by Ubisecure)

Domain name

You can either choose the default (custom_name.onubisecure.com) domain or use your own domain name managed by the customer:

  • Ubisecure managed DNS (default)
  • Customer managed DNS and mail server

Ubisecure managed DNS

If your Identity Cloud service instance has the default Ubisecure managed DNS, it will be reachable at the following addresses:

URINetwork access controlDescription
https://login.custom_name.onubisecure.com/uasPublicSSO authentication service endpoint
https://login.custom_name.onubisecure.com/cdcPublicSSO Common Domain Cookie service endpoint
https://login.custom_name.onubisecure.com/passwordPublicSSO password change UI
https://manage.custom_name.onubisecure.com/ubiloginAuthorized source addresses specified by customerSSO management UI – System management console for administrative users only
https://manage.custom_name.onubisecure.com/sso-apiAuthorized source addresses specified by customerSSO API endpoint
https://manage.custom_name.onubisecure.com/otpserverAuthorized source addresses specified by customerOne-time password (OTP) server
https://account.custom_name.onubisecure.com/eidm2/wf/adminAuthorized source addresses specified by customerCustomerID management UI
https://account.custom_name.onubisecure.com/eidm2/servicesAuthorized source addresses specified by customerCustomerID old API endpoint
https://account.custom_name.onubisecure.com/customerid-rest/servicesAuthorized source addresses specified by customerCustomerID new API endpoint
https://apps.custom_name.onubisecure.com/application_pathPublic and/or authorized source addresses specified by customerOptional custom applications (none unless otherwise agreed)

Ubisecure provides the mail services (SMTP) for Ubisecure managed DNS. No action is required on the customer's part.

Customer managed DNS

With customer managed DNS, all the above URI addresses will have a different host name as given by the customer.

If your Identity Cloud service instance has customer managed DNS, the customer is responsible for managing the following public DNS Resource Records (RRs):

login.custom_name.example.comAYour service endpoint public IP address provided by UbisecureSSO authentication service endpoint
manage.custom_name.example.comCNAMElogin.custom_name.example.comSSO management UI
account.custom_name.example.comCNAMElogin.custom_name.example.comCustomerID management UI
apps.custom_name.example.comCNAMElogin.custom_name.example.comOptional custom applications (none unless otherwise agreed)

Customer may choose all the above host names freely under the customer's domain. Use of the custom_name is optional in customer given host names. Any valid host names ( RFC-1123) under the customer's domain can be used.

Customer mail server

With customer managed DNS, the customer is responsible for providing an SMTP server for the Identity Cloud service instance:

  • SMTP host name
  • Port (usually 465 or 587)
  • Security protocol (STARTTLS, TLS, SSL)
  • User name
  • Password
  • From-address (default: noreply@example.com)

The customer is responsible for their domain email security configuration and related DNS records such as SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and similar.

Customer managed network security

The Identity Cloud service has robust security policies and procedures in place. The service does not require additional customer managed security measures unless the customer has specific requirements of their own.

The customer is responsible for opening access to the above service endpoints from the authorized source networks.

Host nameProtocolPortDescription
loginTCP443SSO services
manageTCP443SSO management
manageTCP22SSH proxy
accountTCP443CustomerID services
appsTCP443Optional custom applications

The customer is responsible for enabling access to their provided SMTP service from the following addresses:

Network addressProtocolPortDescription
TCPCustomer specified (usually 465 or 587)Identity Cloud gateways (Europe)
TCPCustomer specified (usually 465 or 587)Identity Cloud gateways (North America)
TCPCustomer specified (usually 465 or 587)Identity Cloud gateways (Asia-Pacific)

If special arrangements have been agreed for custom applications, customer is responsible for any relevant configurations at their end.

VPN is available as an additional option on request.

Retrieving service instance logs

You can retrieve your Identity Cloud service instance logs via SFTP.

Customer SSH key pairs

The customer is responsible for managing one or more SSH key pairs for access to the Identity Cloud service instance logs. Send your SSH public keys to Ubisecure for access to the logs:

  • Your SSH public key(s)

Keep your private keys secret. Do not send the private keys to Ubisecure or anyone else.

SFTP connection via SSH proxy

1. Add your private key to an SSH authentication agent before connecting. The proxy command uses SSH agent forwarding to authenticate your connection to the log server.


2. The log server will be reachable via SFTP using the following proxy command:

sftp -o "ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p %r@manage.custom_name.example.com" monitor@logs

# or the old usage
# sftp -o "ProxyCommand ssh -A %r@manage.custom_name.example.com nc %h %p" monitor@logs
sftpSFTP Secure file transfer program
-oPass options to SSH
ProxyCommand sshSpecifies the ssh command to connect to the target server.
-W %h:%pRequests that standard input and output on the client be forwarded to the target host and port over the secure channel. These values do not need to be changed. They will be replaced by the ProxyCommand automatically. The %p will be replaced by the default port value 22.
-AEnable forwarding of the authentication agent connection (mandatory)
%rThe remote user on the proxy is the same as on the target host. This value does not need to be changed. It will be replaced by the ProxyCommand automatically.
manage.custom_name.example.comUse the host name of your manage service endpoint for the SSH access proxy.
nc %h %pNcat redirects the connection to the target host and port. These values do not need to be changed. They will be replaced by the ProxyCommand automatically. The %p will be replaced by the default port value 22.
monitor@logsThe remote user and target host name.

Use the SFTP commands to browse the logs on the server.

On Windows using WinSCP and PuTTY

Configure WinSCP to use the Plink and Pageant programs that come with PuTTY.

1. Add your private key to Pageant (SSH authentication agent) before connecting.

2. Connect to log server via Putty: 


3. The log server will be reachable using the following WinSCP configuration:

Session / File protocol: SFTP

Host name: logs

User name: monitor


Connection → Keepalives / Sending of null SSH packets

Seconds between keepalives: 120

Connection / Proxy → Proxy type: Local

Proxy host name: manage.custom_name.example.com

User name: monitor

Proxy settings / Local proxy command: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY\\plink.exe" %user@%proxyhost -nc %host:%port


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