Change SSO metadata certificate for SSO 8.9.x onwards

Change SSO metadata certificate for SSO 8.9.x onwards

How to change the Ubisecure SSO metadata certificate for SSO 8.9.x onwards?


  • If you want to change the self-signed certificate in SSO to CA signed certificate

  • If old SSO metadata certificate is about to expire.

Starting SSO 8.9.x

  • You generate a private key and sign a CSR with it and send the CSR to the CA. You will get a certificate from the CA and install it.

Details related to creation of keys, associating them, creating CSR and Adding certificate can be found in below documents:

Key rotation - SSO | Keyrotation SSO Introduction

Management API - SSO | ManagementAPI SSO UsingManagementAPItomanagekeysUsingManagementAPItomanagekeys


For SSO 8.8.x and older

Please use the following documentation to update the SSO metadata certificate instead of above mentioned steps: Change SSO metadata certificate


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