Versions Compared


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Comment: Added SSO 8.10.1 reference

Please see the current Release Notes (here - scroll down to change log) for the active release change log


Please see the current Release Notes (here - scroll down to change log) for the active release change log

Ubisecure SSO 8.x.x

SSO 8.10.1 (21/06/2022)

New Features

  • IDS-2671 - SSO now support Sign in with Apple. A few new parameters have been introduced to enable this integration. Check out our Configure Sign in with Apple knowledge base article
  • IDS-2117 - SSO acting as broker now supports ftn_spname for OpenID Connect methods. This parameter is enabled with FinnishTrustNetwork parameter for the method and uses the client_name specified for the application as the ftn_spname value. Read more about the configuration from OpenID Connect authentication method - SSO configurations
  • IDS-3491 - SSO OAuth 2.0 applications can be configured to overwrite the spname value configured in the system, to use the value coming from another trusted broker in the Finnish Trust Network. This is configured through the AllowFtnSpname configuration string. More details on this configuration string can be found from OAuth 2.0 integration guide - SSO
  • IDS-2979 - SSO acting as broker now support spname for SAML methods. Similar to OpenID Connect, this parameter is enabled with FinnishTrustNetwork parameter for the method and uses the client_name specified for the application as the spname value. Configuration information can be found from SAML IDP Proxy - SSO
  • IDS-3518 - SSO SAML applications can be configured to overwrite the spname value configured in the system, to use the value coming from another trusted broker in the Finnish Trust Network. This is configured through the AllowFtnSpname configuration string. More details on this configuration string can be found from SAML2 configuration - SSO
  • IDS-3006 - SSO acting as broker now support spname for Mobile PKI methods. This parameter is enabled with FinnishTrustNetwork parameter for the method and uses the client_name specified for the application as the spname value. The value is shown in the DisplayName field of schema as shown in the Installing and configuring ETSI MSS Mobile PKI - SSO


  • IDS-3149 - A new client configuration has been added to SSO to mitigate Downgrade attacks. "require_signed_request_object" can be set to true in client metadata to require authorisation requests to be signed. See Client configuration reference - SSO for details
  • IDS-2827 - Public clients can now be configured to use PKCE without client_secret. When including "token_endpoint_auth_method": "none" in the client metadata - PKCE (code_challenge is required in the authorisation requests). Configuration information can be found from Authorization code grant and web single sign-on - SSO
  • IDS-3617 - Improvements to the TicketProtocolOAuth2Exception and TicketProtocolException loggings for OAuth2 and SAML2 applications to include client Id (where available) to easier debug where issues with application configurations. Example of new log entries extended with client Id

    Code Block
    titleSAML2 application
    2022-03-18 10:22:50,380 protocol [] SingleSignOnServlet: protocol.TicketProtocolException: [saml-application] Ticket validation error: ...

    Code Block
    titleOAuth2 application
    2022-03-28 12:50:57,409 protocol ERROR [] AuthorizationServlet: protocol.oauth2.TicketProtocolOAuth2Exception: [oauth2-application] Invalid ticket request: ...


  • IDS-2059 - A correction to state value where previously if state included '%2B' it converted it to '+' in authorisation response. This is now resolved and returns the expected '%2Bin the response
  • IDS-3601 - A security vulnerability in password-reset application that allowed updating password of a user without verifying OTP code has been corrected
  • IDS-3660 - A custom redirect URI scheme previously caused failure in redirect with OAuth2 applications, this was now been resolved

SSO 8.9.3 (11/02/2022)


SSO 8.9.


2 (05/01/2022)


SSO 8.9.1 was omitted due to new patch version of Log4j2 being released

SSO 8.9.


0 (16/12/2021)

New Features

  • IDS-399 - SSO key rotation possibilities has been enabled for SSO server
  • IDS-2956 - SSO API calls related to create, update and delete signing and encryption keys for SSO server has been included. Examples can be found from Key rotation - SSO
  • IDS-2957 - SSO API calls related to associate or remove association of signing and encryption keys with SSO server has been included. How to perform key rotation in SSO can be found from here
  • IDS-2961 - SSO API call to get certificate signing request for a specific key. This CSR is forwarded to a CA for signing and later on associated back to the specific key
  • IDS-2962 - SSO API call to store the signed certificate with a specific key. Only one certificate is allowed for a key, if there are multiple available in the body, the first will be read and the others will be ignored
  • IDS-2964 - New and/or updated signing and encryption keys are published in OpenID Provider JWKS when changes are detected. All non-expired signing keys and one valid encryption key is shown in the metadata.jwks. The scheduler is run every minute to check for changes
  • IDS-2963 - New and/or updated signing and encryption keys are published in SAML2 IdP Metadata when changes are detected. All non-expired signing keys and one valid encryption key is shown in the Metadata. The scheduler is run every minute to check for changes. Each valid key is provided twice in the SAML2 IdP Metadata, once inside IDPSSODescriptor element and once inside SPSSODescriptor element
  • IDS-2970 - New and/or updated signing and encryption keys are published in WS-Federation IdP Metadata when changes are detected. All non-expired signing keys and one valid encryption key is shown in the FederationMetadata. The scheduler is run every minute to check for changes
  • IDS-3241 & IDS-3242 - Client registration request provides jwks_uri instead of static jwks to better support key rotation


  • IDS-1486 - A documentation pages for diag log description has been created to match the audit log description pages, for easier use by developers. 
  • IDS-2757 - id_tokens are included in refresh_token grant responses when "openid" is included in the scope. Extending the requested scopes with additional claims after the refresh token has been created will not fetch additional information. More information can be found from Authorization code grant and web single sign-on - SSO
  • IDS-3303 - Password application IDP metadata is automatically updated from the IDP metadata endpoint once a minute to support key rotation. More details are available from Password application installation - SSO


  • IDS-3125 - A Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been resolved in SSO error page
  • IDS-1039 - SSO UI now shows "User account is locked" for OTP List and TOTP method after a user has tried to login with invalid code 5 times (or the amount configured in login attempts). Previously the user was shown the message after they tried to login on the 6th time after the method had already been locked
  • IDS-1652 - Message shown to user that have a mismatch of password and confirmation during password change now states a clearer reason for error "Make sure the passwords match. Please try again". Previously the message stated "The new credentials were not accepted" which did not point towards the reason for not being accepted
  • IDS-3176 - SSO UI now shows "User account is locked" for Unregistered SMTP OTP and Unregistered SMS OTP method after a user has tried to login with invalid code 5 times (or the amount configured in login attempts). Previously the user was shown the message after they tried to login on the 6th time after the method had already been locked
  • IDS-2828 - ubikt.jar now generates Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file from certificate contained in unix/win32.config. An example how to use the tool can be found from Increase the SSO metadata certificate private key size
  • IDS-3109 - SSO UI and audit logs now show correct "The user account is locked" message for TOTP method when a user has input invalid OTP code too many times and their account has gotten locked. Previously the message showed "The authentication method configuration is invalid: UNSPECIFIED"
  • IDS-3014 - SSO now shows correct template when returning from an external authentication method (SAML). Previously when a user returned back to the application, the default application template was shown to the user

SSO 8.8.1 (21/06/2021)


  • IDS-3125 - Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been corrected in error template

SSO 8.8.0 (09/06/2021)

New Features

  • IDS-105 - Administrators are now able to configure OpenID Connect methods in SSO Management UI without using the Management API. Read our Knowledge base article Configure OpenID Connect authentication method in SSO Management UI
  • IDS-2861 - UserInfo endpoint now supports POST requests. See Authorization code grant and web single sign-on - SSO for more information
  • IDS-2765 - SPI OpenID Connect CIBA method has been included to SSO. This allows CIBA method to be used as step-up method for your registered users. Read more about the configuration from OpenID Connect CIBA authentication method
  • IDS-2937 - New API calls have been added to the Accounting Service to get more information on the ticket granted events happening in your system. The API calls return method and application used for each of the events and are able to be queried daily, hourly or per minute. More information about the API calls can be found from Event details API section in Accounting Service API
  • IDS-2256 - Freja eID is now supported by SSO. Read our Knowledge base article Configure OpenID Connect Freja eID login
  • IDS-3008 - TOTP API has been extended with a new call to get information if a user has the TOTP method enabled or disabled for their account. Detailed information how to use the API is available in TOTP API swagger documentation that can be configured with the TOTP API - SSO


  • IDS-2862 - In Authentication requests that require End-user interaction to continue although prompt parameter is none the error response has been changed from previous access_denied to interaction_required, according to the OpenID Connect Core 1.0 specifications
  • IDS-2847 - Hardcoded acr_value for Client Initiated Backchannel Authentications method has been removed
  • IDS-2833 - CIBA adapter (previously UBAA) OpenID Provider metadata has been updated with backchannel_token_delivery_modes_supported and token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported values. More information about the metadata can be found from Installing and configuring Swedish BankID - SSO
  • IDS-2837 - invalid_grant error message has been updated to use LOGIN_CANCEL error message instead of previous AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_INVALID for CIBA methods
  • IDS-2940 - CIBA adapter's Spring Boot version has been updated and Swagger UI URL has changed, check the new URL from Installing and configuring Swedish BankID - SSO
  • IDS-1670 - Step-up method usability has been improved to not show any selection between step-up methods if there is only one configured for the application. For example, if only TOTP method is available as 2FA method in application, the user no longer needs to click "totp.1" button after signing in with password, but is immediately asked for TOTP code
  • IDS-2160 - Improved performance when generating and downloading reports from the Accounting Service. In our testing we have noted substantially decreased download times observable in larger datasets
  • IDS-2794 - Updated unix.config/win32.config file to include sso-api.uuid, totp.uuid and accounting.client.uuid to preserve the client IDs during upgrade of your system. Info about this can be found from Preserve essential configuration settings in upgrade
  • IDS-3019 - Accounting Service methods have been updated for CIBA methods. Previously named UBAA method is now referred to as UNREGISTERED.CIBA and registered CIBA method is referred to as DIR.CIBA. See Accounting Service - SSO for more information
  • IDS-3011 - Unregistered CIBA method: Transformation of id_token claims was changed to be same as in OpenID Connect method. Also added a new configuration option `usernameClaim` for defining the id_token claim used as the subject for the unregistered user
  • IDS-3015 - Token endpoint responses have been updated to have HTTP headers "Cache-Control: no-store" and "Pragma: no-cache" set by default to prevent information to be cached
  • IDS-3018 - Refresh token endpoint error responses have been updated in accordance to 
    OpenID Connect Core 1.0
  • IDS-3061 - New compatibility flag was introduced to resolve backwards incompatibility with OTP printout and TOTP secrets in the case that the users are stored in SQL database. If this is the case LegacyUserCredentialsTable needs to be added to the method for the users to keep using their set secrets. New SQL users or existing users recreating their secrets will be handled correctly. See more details from TOTP Authentication Method and OTP Printout authentication method - SSO
  • IDS-3062 - CIBA adapter has been updated to include client_id in aud claim and id_token expiration time. Configuration information can be found from Installing and configuring Swedish BankID
  • IDS-3009 - TOTP method can now be used without additional schema changes when using AD LDS as Ubilogin Directory together with external SQL directory


  • IDS-1511 - SSO Password reset: old tokens not invalidated.  There are built-in features that can be used to mitigate
    • OTP should be set to expire (policy.oauth.otp.timeout)
    • Password min-age should be set greater than OTP expiration time (policy.password.min-age)
  • IDS-2721 - MENU_INTRO2_TEXT in SSO messages properties has been fixed to show the client name in SSO login screen when configured in client_name is configured in the metadata. Review Login screens - SSO for more details
  • IDS-2247 - OTP_LOGIN_REMAINING_PASSWORD_AMOUNT in SSO properties has been fixed to show the remaining one-time passwords left on the printed list to warn the user to renew the list before it runs out of passwords. More details on configurations can be found from Login screens - SSO and OTP Printout authentication method - SSO
  • IDS-2750 - Refresh tokens were invalid for Unregistered SMS with an Ubilogin Directory user. This issue has been fully resolved.
  • IDS-3104 - SPI TOTP method: Account lockout policy section is now shown in TOTP method configuration in SSO Management UI and pressing "Update" without any changes doesn't remove the lockout policy configurations.

SSO 8.7.1 (21/06/2021)


  • IDS-3125 - Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been corrected in error template

SSO 8.7.0 (20/01/2021)

New Features

  • IDS-1256 - SSO now supports Authorisation Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) and will start validating the code_challenge and code_verifier for clients that are already sending them now. PKCE is currently only supported when SSO acts as Authorisation server (IDP). More information can be found from Authorization code grant - SSO and Provider metadata reference - SSO


  • IDS-2784 - Accounting Service dependencies has been updated to remove vulnerabilities. You can find the latest versions used in the Accounting Table 2 on 3rd party licenses - SSO
  • IDS-2706 - SSO dependencies have been updated to remove vulnerabilities. You can find the latest versions used in the SSO Table 1 on 3rd party licenses - SSO
  • IDS-2498 - Issue with policy.password.history parameter has been fixed and new passwords are compared against the amount of previous passwords in the system. If value is set to 5, the user can not change to the any of the 5 previous passwords used. This policy still has issues with CustomerID and causes issues in user creation if enabled for password method used in CustomerID, see IDS-2851 in known issues
  • IDS-2985 - Refresh token logging have been extended with details of which refresh token was trying to be accessed to help with troubleshooting. This can be enabled by setting debug level on diag.protocol logs.

SSO 8.6.1 (21/06/2021)


  • IDS-3125 - Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been corrected in error template

SSO 8.6.0 (05/11/2020)

New Features

  • IDS-1885 - SSO now supports Time-based One-time Password as a new step-up method. See TOTP Authentication Method for more details
  • IDS-2631 - TOTP API application has been created for handling of user TOTP secrets. These API calls allow Administrators to set and remove the secrets for users through their own self-service UI/application (this is not provided within the Ubisecure Identity Server). See TOTP API - SSO for more info how to setup and configure 


  • IDS-2714 - Support for PBKDF2-SHA256 password encoding has been added to SSO. All supported values can be found from Management UI authentication methods
  • IDS-2571 - Improvement for handling multiple IPs in "proxy.remote-addr-name = x-forwarded-for" configuration. If there are multiple IPs included in the request, all of the IPs will be shown in the audit logs, separated by ",". This will need to be taken into consideration when parsing the audit logs. Previously multiple IPs caused issues with Ubilogin Management, Logviewer and Search applications.
  • IDS-2717 - Changes to application configuration for two-factor authentication methods. If both password and a step-up method is enabled for an application, users who do not have the specific step-up method enabled on their account can log in to the application with password only. See Authentication and authorization process - SSO

SSO 8.5.2 (21/06/2021)


  • IDS-3125 - Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been corrected in error template

SSO 8.5.1 (07/10/2020)


SSO 8.5.0 (17/06/2020)

New Features

  • IDS-1303 - Mobile Connect integration has been extended with support related to logging and consent. This enables Mobile Operators to take Mobile Connect Authentication and Authentication Plus product into commercial use. The items that have been updated for this feature can be found in the improvements section.


  • IDS-2516 - OAuth 2.0 applications can be extended with compatibility flag ExtendedOAuth2AuditLogging. This enables additional log entries to the audit log to facilitate Mobile Connect billing use cases. This can also be use for other OpenID Connect use cases. More detailed information can be found from Additional audit logging for OAuth 2.0
  • IDS-1304 - Authorisation policies have been updated with scope field. This will allow Administrators to specify which scopes should be evaluated for OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 applications. You can read more about how to Manage authorization policies - SSO here
  • IDS-2522 - Improved consent page includes requested scopes and confirm/cancel buttons instead of previous static text and checkbox. This improvement can be used for OpenID Connect methods and OAuth 2.0 applications. For other applications and methods, an updated static page of consent information will be shown to the end user. Read more about how to configure the consent screen from our Login screens - SSO and Internationalization - SSO documentation pages. 
  • IDS-1591 - Mobile ID (Mobiilivarmenne) phone number input field has been changed from 'text' to 'tel' to improve the user experience on mobile devices. Users default screen will show number keypad rather than alphabet keyboard, easing use of the service
  • IDS-2486 - Optimisation of LDAP search in Password Reset application related to lookup of available methods
  • IDS-2014 - Additional information for the different entry types has been added to our Audit log description - SSO
  • IDS-2034 - Improved documentation how to setup authentication methods using SSO Management API can be found from OpenID Connect authentication method - SSO
  • IDS-750 - Improved documentation related to handling of error situation not to expose any sensitive server or software information. Read more about how to use reverse proxy in our Security considerations for production environments - SSO
  • IDS-1487 - Improved version handling of SSO components in order to have a better understanding of which version is currently installed. Logging of correct version (i.e. same as the release version) during SSO startup
  • IDS-2445 - Improvement to how threads are handled for Health check API. In clustered environments it was noticed that the health check calls could go into a deadlock due to timing issue when connection was shutting down
  • IDS-2615 - OAuth2 / OpenID Connect Token responses have been changed to exclude the id_token for refresh requests. This is to make sure that no additional information is shared with the application that the user has not approved to be shared. Read more about Access Token and ID Token from Authorization code grant and web single sign-on - SSO
  • IDS-2608 - Updated audit log field "Web Application User ID" to get username sent to the application in the log entries that have this field available. More information can be found from Audit log description - SSO


  • IDS-2158 - Version number in the footer of SSO Management UI now correctly displays the installed version of the application
  • IDS-2317 - UsernameUserMappingIdentityFactory flag has been set to disabled as default as specified in SSO 8.4.1 release notes. If this functionality needs to be enabled follow the Enabling UsernameUserMappingIdentityFactory instructions
  • IDS-2032 - Changing log levels in SSO management UI will now come into affect without restarting SSO application, this would previously require a restart
  • IDS-1182 & IDS-1469 - Documentation has been updated related to how to configure your reverse proxy in order not to expose any sensitive server or software information. Read more about how to use reverse proxy in our Security considerations for production environments - SSO page
  • IDS-2537 - Correction to jQuery call that broke WS-Federation logout in 8.4.0 and 8.4.1. If using WS-Federation methods, we suggest to upgrade to SSO 8.5.0 to resolve this issue

SSO 8.4.1 (06/02/2020)



  • IDS-2208 - Fix for StrictAudiencePolicy to be able to set the compatibility flag system-wide, this did not overwrite application or authentication method flags set in SSO 8.3.8 (OpenID Connect authentication method - SSO)

SSO 8.4.0 (12/11/2019)

New Features


  • IDS-58 - Server side session storage/Redis product documentation (Use Redis with Identity Server)
  • IDS-79 - NameIDPolicy must be set for AuthnRequest sent by SSO
  • IDS-110 - Updated SSO external library (3rd party) dependencies (3rd party licenses - SSO)
  • IDS-684 - AuthnContextClassRef from a SAML Identity Provider to SSO (IdP Proxy) should also be possible to be forwarded to SP
  • IDS-930 - SSO management API for persistentID (PCR) name mapping
  • IDS-1080 - Identity Server supports BCrypt for password encoding


  • IDS-653 - Name change: Agent has been replaced with Application in SSO UI
  • IDS-683 - Fix for deadlock in JLDAP
  • IDS-712 - Fix usability on Unregistered SMS login screens. Focus set to OTP field
  • IDS-1106 - Fix for SSO server jwks interoperability issue in Chrome
  • IDS-1190 - Fix for one time feature not working for OAuth applications when there is SSO session available
  • IDS-1412 - Fix for REDIS failover when the node configured in SSO goes offline


This release improves the compatibility with Finnish Trust Network. It also includes improvements on general OpenID Connect compatibility.


  • IDS-2037: OpenID Connect: Ability to duplicate parameters outside the request object when sending Authorization requests as JWTs
  • IDS-2107: OpenID Connect: Implementation of Key ID in JWKs, JWS and JWE
  • IDS-2108: OpenID Connect: Send client_id as a request parameter in Token requests when using client assertions
  • IDS-2110: OpenID Connect: Ability to perform relaxed or strict JWT aud claim validation
  • IDS-2113: OpenID Connect: Improved UI locale handling
  • IDS-2114: OpenID Connect: Ability to perform Authentication request with HTTP POST instead of GET
  • IDS-2115: OpenID Connect:: Include the aud claim in client assertions
  • IDS-2164: OpenID Connect: Ability to define static ubisecure_request_parameters to be sent with Authorization requests


Ubisecure SSO 8.3.6 (12/04/2019)


  • IDS-1412: Improvements in support for Redis Cluster failover during server startup and runtime.
    • SSO now supports configuring more than one initial seed nodes which are used during SSO startup. Instructions on setting the initial seed nodes can be found here.
    • SSO now recovers from changes in the Redis cluster's topology during runtime, such as nodes going down and back up.


Ubisecure SSO 8.3.5 (01/03/2019)


  • IDS-1354: Fixed warning of missing library file commons-daemon.jar in application server log during startup
    • This issue occurred in version 8.3.4 but does not cause regression other than the warning note in the logs

Ubisecure SSO 8.3.4 (21/02/2019)

New Features

  • IDS-1308: Finnish Trust Network: Support for SAML2 LG extension as specified in FTN SAML2 Profile v1.0 chapter
    • SSO is now able to read the LG extension from inbound SAML 2.0 Authentication Requests and use it as the login UI locale; and write it to outbound SAML 2.0 Authentication Requests.
    • For SAML 2.0 Authentication Methods, writing the extension in an Authentication Request requires a new Compatibility Flag FinnishTrustNetwork set for the method.
    • For SAML 2.0 Applications, the Extension is read from an Authentication Request automatically if one is available.


  • IDS-1326: Running the for Enterprise Linux doesn't require high system entropy.
    • This was an errored requirement used only in 8.3.2 and 8.3.3
  • IDS-1279: Mobile Connect Authentication v1.1: Error responses for Mobile Connect authentication requests are now compatible with the updated Authentication 1.1 profile.

Ubisecure SSO 8.3.3 (17/01/2019)

New Features

Ubisecure SSO 8.3.2 (14/01/2019)

New Features


Ubisecure SSO 8.3.0 (12/10/2018)

New Features

  • IDS-270: Password Reset - A new web application for resetting a forgotten password.
  • IDS-639: Support for Swedish BankID via external Authentication Adapter using Ubisecure Backchannel Authentication Adapter (UBAA) Authentication Method.
    • Technical information, installing and configuring Swedish BankID Authentication Adapter is described here
    • Installing the Ubisecure Backchannel Authentication Adapter Authentication Method is described here
      • SSO Management UI supports configuration by providing new method type Backchannel Authentication Adapter


  • IDS-963: The LDAP search for finding a ubiloginAuthMapping entry in the Ubilogin Directory, that is performed each time a user is authenticated, consumes less resources
  • IDS-78: LDAPS support for SSO, and
  • IDS-388: The default font size for error messages is increased from 0.8em to 1.1em


  • IDS-60: Disabled users cannot log in to applications with accounts that are linked by User Driven Federation.
    • When a user authenticates with a federated identity and a matching local account is returned by a FederationManager implementation (i.e. CIDFederationManager or UbiloginFederationTable), the local account status is now verified and the access is denied if the status is not valid.
    • The workaround fix Preventing disabled users from logging in with user driven federation as described in the page User driven federation is not needed anymore.
  • IDS-1014: SSO management doesn't disclose the client_secret for OAuth2 application agents
    • When uploading a client metadata to an OAuth 2.0 application agent using the SSO Management Console, if the metadata contains a client_secret, the client_secret is now removed before storing the metadata in the agent configuration in Ubilogin Directory.
      • Prior to 8.3, the client_secret was not removed, but stored as is in the agent configuration in Ubilogin Directory.
    • Furthermore, even if the client_secret has already been stored in the agent configuration, as may be the case for agents that have already been activated prior to SSO 8.3, the client_secret will now not be shown in the SSO Management Console nor in the SSO Management API.
      • Prior to 8.3, the client_secret, if set in the client metadata, was shown in SSO Management Console.
  • IDS-1052: OTP lists for UbiloginDirectory users created from SSO Management Console are not invalid randomly
  • IDS-945: Execute flag is set for the bash scripts in the Linux version
  • IDS-723: The SMTP message that is sent by SMTP OTP method sets the Date header as specified in RFC 822
  • IDS-821: Some errors (such as LDAP read timeout) during password/reset don't deactivate the servlet that catches it
  • IDS-437: Main Class in the MANIFEST.MF of sso-pkipolicy.jar is correct
  • IDS-1074: Linux version: OpenLDAP installation script (ldap/openldap/ doesn't show an unnecessary error message ldap_modify: No such attribute (16)

Ubisecure SSO 8.2.25-1 (06/2018)


  • IDS-782: Added missing OTP Server files to installation package.


  • IDS-578: Configurable status request delay.
    • The delays between the transaction request and the initial status request, as well as the delay between consecutive status requests after the first one, are configurable. The configuration parameters are initialStatusRequestDelay and consecutiveStatusRequestDelay. Refer also to the method configuration guide.

  • IDS-658: Separate error message when authentication times out.
    • There is a new error message LOGIN_EXPIRED that is shown whenever authentication timeout occurs. The timeout is set in the ae.timeout configuration parameter. The possible error messages are listed under ETSI MSS Mobile PKI Unregistered Screen in Login Screens.


  • IDS-589: Chrome: Forms submitted using POST to SSO's browser endpoints don't work.
    • SSO 8.2.19 and 8.2.24 had the issue with Chrome browser, that Forms submitted using POST method to SSO's browser endpoint return 403 Forbidden HTTP status. This caused problems for example with SAML 2.0 login sequence with Ubisecure SAML SP module, because it uses SAML HTTP-POST binding by default, which is based on send a form using POST. That issue is now fixed.


Ubisecure SSO 8.1.2 (15/05/2017)


  • IAM-2376: The rules specified in methodmenu.rules are now applied correctly

Ubisecure SSO 8.1.1 (26/04/2017)

New Features

  • IAM-2320: Tupas IDP: If A01Y_RETLINK contains query part, the query part is now included also in the tupas response.


  • IAM-2300: In fresh SSO installation, user can now define "allowed to" -group for SSO API agent
  • IAM-2308: Agent type of SSO API agent is now correctly OAuth agent
  • IAM-2326: WS-Federation: Continue button is now shown after successful IDP initated logout, if there's active WS-Federation session
  • IAM-2311: Url is corrected for Nordea TUPAS test method (tupas.nordea.1) in methods-tupas.ldif

Ubisecure SSO 8.1.0 (28/03/2017)

New Features

  • IAM-1374: SSO support for wreply and wfresh paraneters in WS-Federation
  • IAM-2019: SSO support for wauth and whr parameters in WS-Federation 
  • IAM-1352: SSO Management API - New functionality to add/remove/modify users 
  • IAM-1457: SSO Management API - New functionality to create mapping configuration (persistentId, refreshtokenPolicy)
  • IAM-1735: Sms-mt-otp and smtp-otp grant, added error description to Error Response explaining the error situation
  • IAM-1907: OTP Timout for Sms-mt-otp and smtp-otp grant,is now configurable in minutes. By default, there is no timeout.
  • IAM-2073: TUPAS IDP A01Y_RETLINK parameter allows ignoring of query parameters from the URL(s)
  • IAM-2110: Type and attribute names in SSO Management API calls for input are now case in-sensitive. Type and attribute names in responses are now in CamelCase.
  • IAM-2204: Java updated to version jdk-8u121
  • IAM-2197: Tomcat updated to version 8.0.42


  • IAM-2066: SSO Linux UbiloginDirectory does not fail to start after reboot (because the OS changes /var/run/ubilogin ownership to root:root)
  • IAM-2075: Agents with empty template field, no longer show the wrong template in login page
  • IAM-2018: Agent activation file download now works also in new Chrome browser

Ubisecure SSO 8.0.1 (02/12/2016)


  • IAM-1833: MPKI authentication now works with mobileconnectloginhint-compabilityflag and ENCR_MSIDN

Ubisecure SSO 8.0.0 (25/11/2016)

New Features

  • IAM-1320: SSO Server acts as a TUPAS IDP
  • IAM-1478: PCR generation - an option to use new kind of UUID format as specified in RFC 4122[9]
  • IAM-1493: It is now possible to prevent SSO on server side by using agent setting (using either Forceauthn, oneTimeUse or both parameters)
  • IAM-1736: New Ubisecure look and feel to SSO
  • IAM-1770: New tomcat version 8.0.38


  • IAM-1685: SAML agent metadata configuration fixed - agentlogo is not mandatory when clientname is used


Ubisecure SSO 7.7.1 (03/10/2016)

New Features

  • IAM-1506: SSO authorization policy can decrypt values


  • IAM-1538: SSO password app doesn't show errors for all users

Ubisecure SSO 7.7.0 (26/08/2016)

New Features

  • IAM-1032: OpenID Provider Metadata, tokeninfo_endpoint replaced with introspection_endpoint (RFC 7662) 
  • IAM-1384: Token Introspection updates for RFC 7662 
  • IAM-1066: MPKI login screen can be configured so that it does not ask a spam code and tries automatically to login if mobile connect crypted loginhint is provided.
  • IAM-1451: OAuth2 and SAML2 metadata agent logo, based on locale, can be set visible in the login screen, with or without the default SSO logo
  • IAM-1474: SSO openldap version upgrade to openldap-2.4.44 (OpenLDAP is now compiled without DDS overlay and with both BDB (default) and new MDB backends)


  • IAM-1420: SSO management GUI copyright message is changed to state GlobalSign instead of Ubisecure

Ubisecure SSO 7.6.0 (29/05/2016)

New Features

  • IAM-712: OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation (RFC 7009). 
  • IAM-1124: SAML Profile for OAuth 2.0 Authorization Grants (RFC 7522)
  • IAM-1354: SSO Management API new functionality to allow Relying Party specified client_id and secret for OAuth2 metadata (RFC-7591 Dynamic client registration protocol)
  • IAM-1364: OAuth2 and SAML2 metadata client name can be set visible in the login screen, id addition, or to replace to current hostname
  • IAM-1365: SSO Login screen templates can contain also javascript resources
  • IAM-1366: Username in login screen cannot be changed if mobile connect login_hint is encrypted (ENCR_MSISDN)
  • IAM-1384: Oauth2 Token Introspection token_type supports refresh_token 
  • IAM-1448: OAuth2 OpenID Provider Metadata changes, tokeninfo_endpoint is replaced with introspection_endpoint. Note that tokeninfo_endpoint and /uas/oauth2/tokeninfo are deprecated (will be removed in the version after 7.6)
  • IAM-1395: SSO can return grant type and refresh token create time to application using authorization policy
  • IAM-1428: AuthnStatementSessionNotOnOrAfter interop flag to leave SessionNotOnOrAfter unassigned in SAML2 response
  • IAM-1403: OpenID Connect idtoken contains azp attribute in Mobile Connect
  • IAM-1404: OAuth2 idtoken attribute aud is now always array to fully support Mobile Connect
  • IAM-1406: OAuth2 authorization endpoint error page now sets http status 400 to indicate error condition (Does not return user to relying party)


Ubisecure SSO 7.5.0 (26.02.2016)

New Features

  • IAM-5: OAuth2-extension for confirming Email and Phone number
  • IAM-823: SSO Management REST API Phase 1
  • IAM-873: Compability flag SendAssertionConsumerServiceURL for sending AssertionConsumerServiceURL in SAML-AuthnRequest 
  • IAM-1170: New compabilityflag ExplicitUnspecifiedAuthnContextClassRef for sending authnContextClassRef in SAML-response
  • IAM-941: OTP server support for external SQL user database
  • IAM-1060: Unregistered SMS OTP Authentication method 
  • IAM-1208: Unregistered SMTP OTP Authentication method
  • IAM-1147: Login_hint now works also with unregistered authentication methods (unregistered MPKI, SMS and SMTP)
  • IAM-1253: SSO Management UI to GlobalSign branding
  • IAM-1296: OAuth request scope now ignored as long as the correct scope in use is returned in Token Endpoint response
  • IAM-1297: Only password, authorization_code and refresh_token are allowed OAuth grant_types By default.
  • IAM-1295: Template property useloginhint for showing OAuth2 login_hint in SSO
  • IAM-1294: Support for Mobile Connect encrypted login_hint with prefix ENCR_MSISDN


Ubisecure SSO 7.4.0 (27.11.2015)

New Features

  • IAM-805: Upgrade SSO JVM to Java 8
  • IAM-884: SSO Tomcat updated, version 8.0.27
  • IAM-910: OpenID Connect/Mobile Connect Identity Provider
  • IAM-966: Support multivalue SAML2 AuthnContextClassRef in methods 
  • IAM-995: updated OpenSSL version to 1.0.1p, used by OpenLDAP in linux installations

Ubisecure SSO 7.3.4 (30.9.2015)


  • IAM-997: Some button texts not visible in management UI
  • IAM-998: Service cant be deleted if name contains "<>"


  • IAM-817: SSO login flow should double check UDF linking need after registration and not ask for user consent if linking has be done
  • IAM-895: Autocomplete for password input forms settable in UI-template (affects screens in SSO and password application)
  • IAM-946: If address tracking (netmask) is disabled then a AuthnStatement/SubjectLocality element is no longer created in SAML Assertion
  • IAM-948: If directory user mapping is successful for a user then UDF process will be skipped
  • IAM-951: Backchannel messages (SOAP Logout) are now secured with TLS 1.2


  • IAM-25: SSO Management: Form inputs should be sanitized to prevent Cross-Site Scripting
  • IAM-883: OAuth: Malformed JWT causes error "Unexpected char 127 (line no=1, column no=1, offset=0) at ...)"
  • IAM-943: Session injection in Password application doesn't work in a reverse proxy deployment
  • IAM-969: Methodmenu rules don't change when a template is changed
